Yes, we need to stop “going high.” We cannot keep losing to these idiots. Time to get dirty. I’m so irritated this morning!!!
Yes, we need to stop “going high.” We cannot keep losing to these idiots. Time to get dirty. I’m so irritated this morning!!!
That’s really interesting. Seems like he was pretty out-of-touch at that event and made a bad impression. Sounds like the whole thing was in poor taste b/c it was so obviously about the optics and not about connecting with a sector of the community he wants to represent.
But people won’t take five minutes to think and that’s the problem. The heading CNN is running on its front page right now is “Will Democrats ever win again?” With sub-linked articles titled “Republicans jittery about health care bill breathe a sigh of relief” and “In Georgia, close isn’t nearly good enough for…
My prediction: sometime in 2018 the FBI, FinCEN, NSA, or any other (or all) of the investigations will release their findings that This Asshole and most of his circle committed felonies, RICO violations, fraud, money laundering, colluding with a hostile foreign power, and thus (probably without stating it outright)…
I keep linking this article, because one of the points the author makes (that’s Ken Layne, Wonkette and Gawker’s heart and soul of political analysis, long before HamNo was doing it) is worth repeating: the fallout from the economic decline perpetrated by Republicans simply hasn’t been bloody enough. Most Americans…
Yeah I have a republican neighbor who (before I unfriended her) went off on a tangent about how much she hates welfare because of some woman she once knew who was on welfare but drove a nicer, newer car than she did. I was like, girl, you do not know her life or how she got that car. Fuck you. (Seriously, people…
I’ve said it before, but I really wish only Republican voters had to suffer the consequences of Republican policies, and that democrat voters were able to reap the rewards of democrat policies. I know the country doesn’t work like this, but wouldn’t that be lovely? I mean, I’m sure they’d find a reason to stage a…
I just wish she’d get back in front of a microphone and say, “You know what I said about ‘Going high?’ Fuck that. Bury those fuckers.”
Karen Handel is a shitty person who tried to get Komen to stop donating money to PP to help poor women get breast cancer screenings. After Komen changed their mind she left them and wrote a book whining about how mean PP and the left was to her. Never mind that she wanted punish poor women who got their healthcare at…
I love Michelle Obama but I will happily roll up my sleeves and fight dirty in the mud with these pieces of shit. Fuck the high road, Mrs. O.
At a certain point when a bully keeps pushing you around, you have to fight back. You can’t just sit there and let them keep hitting you while proclaiming that the rules prohibit…
My god are Republicans awful! Like it’s not even about policy at this point.
Yes and yes. This is making the difference between the two camps very, very stark. This divide was always there—and many people, especially people of color always knew it was—but now it’s so glaring that we’re all forced to take note, and to take action.
The high road sucks. I know Michelle Obama meant well, but “going high” doesn’t mean squat if you can’t get a seat at the table where major decisions get made for millions of Americans.
Totally where I’m at as well. I hope GA does cap Medicaid so these middle class Republicans will have to move their elderly parent(s) in with them because they can no longer afford the nursing home. They need to feel the full effect of the awfulness of what Republicans are doing.
I don’t get it either. No matter how vile, some parts of the country will vote for anyone. Some people need to fuck off harder.
Everybody said health care was the biggest issue and everybody wanted to know what was going to happen with it and everybody hated Trumpcare. And so they....voted for somebody most likely to bring about Trumpcare. Good job, GA6
It’s a wealthy district full of the “fuck you, I got mine” mindset. These people are only convinced that a living wage would mean their bottom line gets hurt.
Great job, Georgia. Smart choice!