
I think you kind of have to go into it with a “don’t panic” mindset. I’ve approached this pregnancy (33 weeks) the same way I approached my wedding. So what makes sense and isn’t overly complicated. I see a LOT of women online freaking out constantly, even ones with 0 complications and... it seems exhausting? I feel

As someone who’s marriage is most likely unraveling, it’s really dismissive to hear friends and other say “Well, marriage is hard work!” Yes, all relationships are work. But there’s an ROI for that work. You fight, you make up, you get needs met, you meet needs. Sometimes though, it is just terrible gut wrenching

Hateration in 3...2...1...

a pill made up of Ursodeoxycholic acid (or Ursodial)

I think her sexuality is “attention”. Right now, Abby = Attention, so it works for her, I guess.

“My sexuality is Abby”

That’s why he only goes after women easily swayed by money

Gawd if he’s this whiny and needy with men, just imagine how he must be with women.

The same was said about Bannon. I’ll believe it when I see it.

But that’s been standard practice for every American president. Despite the fact that they basically financed bin Laden from government coffers, the US is so oil thirsty that the actively flatter the saudis and sell them billions in weaponry. The sooner the US is no longer dependent on foreign oil the better. Then

The day I moved into my house I made a few trips back and forth to the old place. At one point I returned to my new house to find a car blocking my driveway. I called the county and kept getting transferred until I was talking to the police. The officer went to my neighbors and asked if they knew who’s car it was, and

Neighbors with dogs. First thing I do when I go to buy a house is walk right through the house, go out in the back yard and look over the fences for dogs. If I see a dog I leave. Drives the real estate agents crazy.

Congrats on the house and god luck man, but just because it’s new doesn’t mean it’s good.

Just a warning; new construction means you run into all the problems. When you’re a homeowner and you replace the roof you’re worried about the problems, windows same deal, flooring, etc. As a new homeowner you get to find out ALL the problems....and then you have to hope and pray the builder will A) listen to you,

You really think Sean Hannity can achieve orgasm? The man is clearly impotent. That’s what fuels his undying rage.

It’s unfuckingbelivable, isn’t it? I mean, we’re actually watching a fucking moron lead his racist believers into burning this place and the foundations it was built on to the ground to promote their own narrow beliefs over the well-being of the country and the world it’s a part of.

Sean Hannity’s orgasm would have been visible from space.

Alt-right news sources are saying that this arrest is just the beginning of taking down the “Deep State.” Yes, the Deep State... of the 25 year old contractor (aka, not federal employee) who was in her job for a year...

Because that’s what you do when you’re ‘Twitter tough’—you whine, pout, and blame others for your overall shittiness because you don’t even have the strength to accept responsibility for yourself.