Also the loss of manufacturing (and other) jobs that led a lot of black urban workers to become unemployed was their fault but now that white people are struggling it is a problem
Also the loss of manufacturing (and other) jobs that led a lot of black urban workers to become unemployed was their fault but now that white people are struggling it is a problem
Yeah, it’s crazy to say the two events are similar. I don’t recall a lot of cops out there in the ‘90s calling for less criminalization of drugs and more treatment options.
I agree with both you and Mistress Blue, but we have to be real about certain groups being excluded from this narrative because it *is* honestly unlikely to ‘happen to them’. Black people were the victims of crack and our government responded by criminalizing addicts and permanently displacing users from our families…
My cynical side thinks things will change when the drug companies succeed in cornering the market on cannabis products. They are all jostling with small producers, but have the marketing and legal funds to elbow the little guys out.
They didn’t care in the 80's because it was the annihilation they wanted, without really lifting a finger. Now it’s white people. White poor people are all up in arms, and asking their lord king trump to do something.
Meanwhile, just like the 80's, the rich white men aren’t going to help here either. Those poor white…
It’s the American Prosperity gospel: if bad shit happens to you, you’re a bad person. If you’re wealthy, you must be blessed and a good person.
I see the opposite. When crack invaded my neighborhood in the nineties, the cops turned the streets unto a war zone. Now that it is crack and it’s happening to white people, we want to coddle them.
And people think that it could never happen to them or their kids so they don’t give a shit.
Nobody really ever cares about an issue in America until it affects upper middle class whites—basically, the same demographic as national journalists and their friends in the Beltway.
When my friend’s mom had cancer, she signed up for a medicinal marijuana card, and she compared the pain management properties of the prescription painkillers she was given vs. pot. She said the prescription was very slightly more effective, but the side effects were pretty bad. She stuck with pot through the entire…
I know this is madness, and the government turns a blind eye, because they are bought and sold with these pharma companies. There is a really good doc on Netflix called: Dr. Feelgood about the doctor in West Virginia who overprescriped to his patients.
Drug Firms Poured 780M Doses into WV. This article laid bare for me the extent to which pharmaceutical companies are straight up negligent in this public health crisis. Shipping 9 million doses to a town of 392 people over two years? Tell me again how they “couldn’t have known.” It’s total bullshit and I hope they’re…
Its also why the draft dodger and physical fitness fearing Trump fetishizes the military because as a bully and a mental deficient he can only see force as the ultimate in masculinity and proof he is so great. It’s why he looks up to the strongmen dictators around the world including Kim because he could never really…
Remember that roast HRC and trump attended where they each got up to take potshots at each other? I think my favorite thing HRC said was (and I paraphrase b/c I can’t remember her exact words), “Michael Bloomberg is here tonight... good to have a billionaire among us.”
It gives me extra satisfaction that Bloomberg is wealthier than Trump, because I know that must drive Trump nuts.
Tangent: through all of this chaos is anyone else, like, getting it pretty bad for Emmanuel Macron? I am married but if I were having a bachelorette party I wouldn’t want my strippers to be cops or whatever. I’d want sexy world leader strippers. Sexy Macron impersonator, sexy obama impersonator, sexy Trudeau…
I’m not waiting on Neil Gorsuch from anything. His seat was never the swing, and it’s not going to be the swing, now. It’s all back on Kennedy as usual. Neil Gorsuch was picked to replace Scalia, and he hasn’t really disappointed in that regard, yet. Filling the vacancy returns it to its 4-4 split with Kennedy as the…
We wait, and hope that Neil “Gosh golly” Gorsuch is not truly anti-human, just compulsively pro-corporation.
I think I’d enjoy it more if SCOTUS refused to even grant cert (after all, no dispute among the circuits) than if it issued a crushing opinion affirming the 4th circuit.