
U.S. healthcare costs per capita: $9500/yr

The Grey King is a troll. Please do not ungrey.

What you save in taxes you (or your employer) pays back triple in insurance premiums. Don’t pretend like you don’t pay for the sky-high costs of our fucked up, inefficient healthcare system.

Industry does a more efficient, cheaper, faster, and better job than the state.

You have to be willing to make compromises on each side. If the mental acrobatics are worth it to you then godspeed but I grew up Catholic and after repeatedly witnessing and being victim of how women and girls are treated differently and decidedly worse I gave it up. Then I became a teenager and found a whole other

They can be arsed it’s just one side decided to block every single thing that comes down the pipeline because the guy in charge had the nerve to be black. It’s not going to get any better when the guy in charge isn’t a guy.

The long term ramifications of the expansion of Catholic run healthcare will be devestating.

Threatening to cut funding unless they adhere to scientific principles instead of religous doctrines seems like a pretty good idea.

I would like every single one of these fuckers who denies a woman the necessary procedures for her health to get an aggressive and painful cancer, and to be denied any treatment, including pain relief, because it’s obviously God’s will that they get cancer and suffer.

The religion is founded on a very deeply held belief that women are guilty of sin. All sin. Any sin. If the baby is dying it’s because she did something or wrong or because the vessel itself is evil and will always be evil. Feminism and catholicism cannot coexist.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough that if you have any choice at all, do not, under any circumstances, go to a Catholic Hospital.

I’m so glad she chose to highlight this fuckery. I first found out about this bullshit in like 2009 or thereabouts and I was like yup, not getting care of any kind, especially maternity, at a catholic hospital. I have the luxury of living in a major metro area with two other non-Catholic-owned hospitals, but most of

What I don’t understand is why the government continues to fund religiously backed/run/endorsed institutions despite the fact that they 1) religious and 2) statistically not actually doing their jobs well. Republicans complain about wasteful government but they keep funneling cash towards abstinence only education

Just realized mine may be too. It has St. In its name so that is likely right? I’ve had a healthy pregnancy but this is terrifying.

FUCK THESE GODDAMNED PEOPLE. My wife and I lost a child a few years ago. Wifey got pregnant at the same time as her sister - her sister’s first. It brought 2 women who were already inseparable, even closer. They made so many plans, and shared so many resources. My wife was able to give her sister so much advice and

I grew up Catholic and it’s still a huge part of my life, but feminism is THE most important thing in my life, so these kind of stories really are difficult for me to process, because they make me question the integrity of something most of my childhood/my family has been built upon, and that’s troubling. (Whole other

Or the Feds could do what they’ve been doing to strong arm states for years and make the money contingent on the facilities providing standard gynecological services as recommended by the OB-GYN council. Or we could agree that healthcare is a good that is not best produced by a market mechanism (which I sorta suspect

My mom, before Roe v Wade, had a midterm miscarriage. Because it was illegal, the hospital wouldn’t remove the dead fetus, instead, they gave her drugs to induce labor. She had to wait to give go into labor to deliver a dead fetus., in the the ward with all the women having live births.

I am giving birth in a Catholic hospital in two months and I’m really afraid. I only agreed to it because the board of nurses defers to the OB, and my OB’s response to my concern was “they’re not in the room with me, I’ll tell them what I have to. Your life always comes first.”

Forget the pissing contest stories, this is more terrifying than any campfire ghost tale.