
He isn’t trying to play to black voters. He is pretending to play to black voters so white voters that he has horrified with his open racism will give him a second chance - “oh look, maybe Donald isn’t a raging racist asshole after all, I guess I can vote for him without having a guilty conscience.”

They have a million of those. It’s like a fun Mormon activity to see who can come up with the most creative way to make a young woman who has or who has had sex feel like she’s damaged. Let’s see. A broken vase that is glued back together. A patched tire. Toothpaste squeezed from the tube.

Pyramid schemes provide the basis of basically the entire economy of Utah. And like, no. They are all completely fake. Like, all the niceness and love and acceptance is totally 100 percent fake because they are just trying to be a good missionary. They are trained, HARD, to be the public face and perception of the

Also, they somehow tracked me down and sent the Relief Society President (for anyone who is not familiar, it’s a particular area’s woman in charge of the woman organization in their specific boundary) and some sister missionaries to my house. I looked out the front door and KNEW... too much make up, giant, wide-eyes,

I’m a former member as well; my parents raised me LDS. I got pregnant with my 15-yr-old son during my last year in high school. I had to go before a “counsel” of men for a “plan” back to Salvation... basically, it was like 5 old guys telling me all I’d done wrong and what punishment I needed and was told I could not:

No—my mother is African-American and my father is white. They joined the church when I was little, and while my father left it when they divorced, my mother raised me and my sister in the church (in Baltimore, admittedly, where the population of the church was way less white and had way more single parents). We

I spent more mornings of my life than I care to remember sitting next to a mormon girl in middle school and high school. She was very nice, very caring, all in all seemingly a good friend, family member and part of her community.

What they want is that gay BFF who helps them pick out clothes, plan their wedding, but never tries to blow a cater waiter.

Maybe she’ll meet a nice girl on her field hockey team.

“Homosexual behavior is contrary to those doctrines, always will be, and can never be anything but transgression.”

NPH is happily married with two adorable kids, exactly the thing that mormons are against. They want their gays to be forever alone and miserable

What confuses me the most is why anyone would worship this god. Apparently, god is a spiteful, cruel asshole who makes people gay, and then demands that they never have a fulfilling romantic relationship. If they did they would be sinning, and he would punish them for something that he caused.

If there are any Republicans here, I have a serious question and would appreciate a thoughtful answer:

She’s not their boss. The voters are. Now if they ignore what voters want, then that would be treason. The problem is the assholes who vote them into office will gleefully watch nothing get done by Hillary.

I was hoping you guys would mention this because it blew me away in its simplicity and lack of decision-drama. When Xo said that the only thing she felt guilty about was that she didn’t feel guilty, it was perfection.

They should already be using the fact they’re trying to say they’ll hold off on SCOTUS nominations for FOUR YEARS!

This interview needs to be an ad in every district that is within striking distance of being won by a dem.

On the slim chance the Senate and House flip... it’s going to be two of the busiest years in history, because it’ll all crash down in the midterms.

Congressional Republicans in a Clinton presidency are going to make the last 8 years look like they were holding hands and singing Kumbaya with President Obama.

Oh please let’s win the House. I can’t stand eight more years of Congress refusing to actually do any work.