
“It’s really hard for a lot of conservative women to contemplate the idea of feminism because it’s been so owned by liberal democrats pushing very progressive policy ideas”...

Sure, the GOP ignored evidence of Trump’s misogyny before pussygate, but let’s be honest: misogyny was present in the GOP platform with the opposition of abortion, opposition to birth control, wage gap denial, and countless GOP politicians making pro-rape statements. She ignored all of that because she thought it

Nah. I think they are okay with him being accused of sexual assault but they are pissed because the accusers LOOK LIKE THEY DO.

I’ve always said that I hate that there’s a word for feminist, because being feminist is simply being a decent human being. Like, there isn’t a word for people who aren’t racist. We have racist to point out the wrong side.

These are the women who stood by their men when rape victims were shamed, when feminists were demonized, when poor women and working women were blamed for just about every possible social ill. They based their feeling of superiority on being white, conservative, straight, Christian, and deferential to men, and now

“I hope this maybe convinces some Republicans...”

That’s been one really interesting thing about the schism Trump has caused in the Republican party, is all of these people crawling out of the woodwork claiming that they just want their party to be conservative (and by definition, support the white supremacist patriarchy that is our status quo) without the

This is a part of their post mortem. They did this last election and the one before that. They will soon have a conference about how to include those “others groups” and then in about 3 months they will start all over with more hideous laws. Just like they did after Obama beat Mitt. They created the problem with voter

Michelle Goldberg wrote a piece for Slate a few days ago in which she interviewed a number of conservative, religious women, and came to a fascinating conclusion: Liberal feminists despise Trump for all the obvious reasons, and when we hear Paul Ryan push back and say women should be “championed and revered,” we still

The whole “I don’t like something, so I am utterly baffled that anyone else in the world could possibly like it!” frame of mind is so odd to me.

she plans to leave the top of the ticket blank

I’m glad she’s waking up to this. It’s a shame that it took a direct threat to her own well being to do it, and not, you know, the other racist, classist and religious rhetoric of the party but good for you for finally noticing!

As this comes up every time, let’s settle this once and for all: No one goes to Chipotle in place of getting actual Mexican food.

I don’t go to chipotle for “authentic mexican food” (and that just doesn’t exist in NW Ohio). I go there for chipotle burritos.

I hope this maybe convinces some Republicans that maybe, just maybe, the reason us liberals have been calling their party racist and sexist for years was in fact because their party has been racist and sexist for years.

Don’t forget Paul Ryan! Watch the youth and optimism drain out of that hunk of Wisconsin cheese has been the best part of this cycle.

When will they realize the reason the media is paying so much to Trump is the same reason people gawk at a terrible traffic accident. On one side of the road, you have John Podesta’s risotto recipe and on the other, you have a 47-car pileup. With spilled nuclear waste. That just burst into flames.

The problem is that they’ve surrendered so completely to black and white thinking that they’ve conflated “liberal” with “against us,” and disagreement with bias, for a whole series of other cognitively distorted reasons that I could spend forever delving into. They’ve spent so long fighting against any left wing

I had to pause the video and take a moment when Newt fucking Gingrich accused Fox fucking News of liberal bias.