
But Jurassic Park is at least fun in the beginning. This election was never that. It was all ‘oh, is that a Trex? No way. It’s never gonna make it over here. Oh, it’s gotten through the gate, well the guards will shoot it down. Aaaand all the guards are being eaten. Okay. Uhh...Missiles! yeah, here come some missiles

While Hillary was once giving a primary speech, CNN kept its cameras trained on an empty stage awaiting Trump to enter.

Trump bragged for almost an entire year about all the media coverage he was getting during the primary.

A lot of that is because he basically put two international wars on a credit card, and left future administrations (Obama) to pay for it. Plus, he went all in, hiring mercenaries at 5 times the pay of regular soldiers, to keep the number of troop levels down.

I can promise you he doesn’t have the vaguest idea who Adams and Jefferson even are.

I’m gonna be deep in the greys at this point so I’m probably talking to no one, but did anyone else catch how, towards the end of the debate when Donald was saying how disastrous Hillary’s position on Syrian immigration would be, he said something to the effect of, “Just wait til you see in the coming years...”? I

True. I wish that Clinton would have mentioned that we were losing 800 thousand jobs EVERY MONTH toward the end of Bush’s horrible presidency. We were in total freefall.

It’s not just you. I want him ruined. I want Melania to leave him, but then I want her life to fall apart. I want his children to lose everything and live long lives broken and penniless. I want his buildings to crumble, and I want all of their eyes to bleed from their perpetual weeping and all of their teeth ground

Related, I still can’t get over how he harps on the fact that certain military operations are announced- as if it’s evidence of our military being stupid or weak. He tweeted about it and mentioned it in the past two debates. As if he’s a genius who has stumbled across this great new idea of covert operations, and is


That’s right - Kayleigh the Token Republican was acting agog at this as if it were incontrovertible evidence of voter fraud when it’s just that deceased people haven’t been taken off the rolls yet. Though she did follow it up with “And Democrats are bussing people in from all over to vote under the names of the dead

Trump proved tonight that he is American Hitler. Accepting the results of the election, the majority of votes wins—duh, is an absolute cornerstone of democracry. And this asswipe keeps his nutball whitey constituency lathered up that not accepting the results is proper. The man is a monster.

Except for when he falsely blamed the troubled economy on Obama’s stimulus package (versus recession during Bush presidency), and when he brought up the idea of “partial birth abortion,” which isn’t really medically a thing.

I snorted when I saw this.

I was disappointed at the lack of sniffling. Maybe he was worried Clinton would take him up on his drug test idea?

MSNBC commentator. “ Trump was like an old man in the park arguing with squirrels.” on Mosul. He became totally unhinged.

And she did, methinks.

Did everyone just catch that fucking last line?! About everyone in the “inner cities” being “uneducated”?!?!

I disagree. From “entitlements” to wiki leaks, Wallace couldn’t keep his Faux contained.

He sounds like a child who is a poor sport when losing a board game; he’ll huff and puff after losing and claim everyone else cheated. Except the stakes and consequences of this horseshit could legitimately harm us as a society.