
Apparently Dr. Rice is a very bright woman; I can respect that. I just can’t respect her part in selling the war in Iraq. And that’s what’s especially vile about the Orange Blunder; he’s making us defend these war criminals. He’s making them look competent and sane.

Uh okay so here’s the thing. “Bitches get things done” and that’s cool and all, but what Condoleezza Rice got done was war crimes by prosecuting the case for an international war on a lie in violation of the UN charter. Like, let’s not let our wokeness get in the way of the fact that she’s a monstrous, terrible human

Do you remember when Ted Cruz was spouting off about carpet bombing (which verse was that in the Bible? I can’t remember) and Obama went on the record saying essentially “That is a literal war crime. We are bombing as much as intelligence allows.”

Exactly. Even in a NORMAL race I’d be damn proud to vote for her. She’s got poise for days and could actually talk issues better than anyone else in this race or any other. But for this particular race? It’s a God damn pleasure to cast my vote.

Yes yes YES YES! Its so awesome to read a comment that perfectly sums up my thoughts and feelings. Its so damn discouraging that all the Republican static concocted about Hillary has been turned up loud enough to infect Democrats themselves. It sucks and I see whats going on.

I admire her so fucking much. Look how TOUGH this woman is! Look at the insanity she’s dealing with in this election, and she keeps it together to get the job done for her country. I see her as an inspiration and I am proud to cast my vote for her on November 8th.

But it implies a whole network of other beliefs. Using thst word is bad enough, and intended to reduce and hurt you is pretty bad. But saying he wants to revoke the 19th amendment is outright evil. He wants to erase your opinions, render your entire person completely irrelevant to the laws of this country. That’s

I’ve always prided myself in being strong enough in my convictions that I can debate with people I disagree with and handle a good deal of heated arguing over differences of opinions. But, you throw out brazen racists or sexist bullshit, or general hateful’re gone. No second chances. There is a

Composure for days. I think half the reason Putin’s so into not having her as our president is he doesn’t think he can intimidate her, and he probably doesn’t have that problem a lot.

Anyone planning to stay up until 3am to see what Trump tweets about it?

I just feel so bad for her. She doesn’t deserve this shit, she’s a badass and not enough people are willing to go from “Yeah but Trump is worse” to “You know what? Fuck it. The woman is brilliant, qualified, and experienced. I wish I could accomplish a fraction of what she has in the face of constant bullshit. We need

I don’t want it to happen but I kind of do.

Shot. The man said shot. He wants her to die. And I will bet you $20 that if you ask him exactly why she deserves to be shot he won’t even know. That’s the infuriating part. They have no idea what crime to even accuse her of.

“The system is rigged only if I don’t win.”

I wish recruiters like that called me. I’ve done something wrong in that I only elicit recruiters who are looking for people to sell insurance, when my resume is very clear about me having no sales nor insurance background whatsoever.

I’ve gotten so tired of recruiters. Without them really telling any details of opportunities, you spend a good 15 minutes talking with them, you send them your resume, then you never hear from them again. Then weeks or months later you get another message from them “Hey, I came across your resume and are working on a

It’s honestly hard to tell these days especially on this site. I just got so fucking sick of hearing about how great cloth diapering is. It sounds disgusting to me #1 and basically turned into “my gluten sensitivity” thing middle class white people drop to feel special.

seriously, just give me money people...i don’t want that shit. i want cash.

Ugh, I’m 20 weeks pregnant today, I break into hives whenever I start to research strollers, car seats, etc. We’re going to get a lot of hand-me-downs, but some stuff we’re going to have to shell out for. I HATE feeling like we are being shaken down for all our money by an industry that also insists on these cutesy,

Compared to most Republicans and Trump in particular, Harper is Hilary Clinton.