And here’s Mike Pence on Pussygate:
And here’s Mike Pence on Pussygate:
If you come across a Republican that condemns Trump but doesn’t withdraw their endorsement or support (if they indeed endorse or support him), please kindly tell them to do so or shut the fuck up.
We don’t yet know that would be safe for them. Who wants to find out too late that their baby suffered permanent injuries from exposure to Trump?
I’m also hoping this will be enough to end him, but you just know his fan bros are defending him and loving this. “Boys will be boys, amirite?”
You know this is all for show. These people are still going to cast all their votes in the R column once they step into the voting booth.
This list should be all Republicans with national stature. Those that still endorse should be bold, those that had endorsed and revoked should be bold as well as strike-through. Those who never endorsed should be plain text.
“You shouldn’t have to relate the idea of sexual assault to some woman in your life to know it’s wrong.”
Once again, Ted Cruz shows off his incredible sense of timing.
Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.
You who the real losers are here? Tic Tacs
The most disconcerting thing about the audio is that after all that vile talk where you can overhear Trump and Billy Bush talking about her boobs, they meet the woman in the purple dress and dial it down to the kind of uncomfortably flirtatious conversation that we are all familiar with, and she has no choice but to…
My two posts on Facebook today: 1. If you are a woman, and you still plan to vote for Trump, you are an insult to every woman on this planet who has risked life and death to be treated as equal, respected, citizens free of violence, rape, degradation, enslavement, and servitude. You are a disgrace. If you are a…
But did they call him?
I think it is important to ask whether anyone “below” a certain level of socio-economic status could behave this way. I mean in a Darwinian sense.
Those strategically located cats are my second favorite thing in the world right now. (First favorite being whoever leaked the tape.)
“I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”
I swear, if this is not what actively destroys Trump’s candidacy, the whole system needs to be purged.
He kind of has though. The Trump campaign’s full response was:
On a side note...I’m switching back between Fox and CNN’s coverage of Trump video. CNN anchors all condemning it, Fox (Sean Hannity) saying “Don’t act like that’s the worst thing you’ve ever heard.”