And I do the same on my side. Thank you for your kind words.
And I do the same on my side. Thank you for your kind words.
As an Asian person, I’ve seen that same ugly strain of anti-blackness among my fellow Asians. It disgusts me and I’ve done my best to call it out when I see it.
As a Black woman, it always weirds me out when people say things like this, as I experience, see, read, and hear about people being openly racist to people who look like me every day, and know firsthand how strong anti-Black racism is in many Asian communities. This idea that other POC and some white people have that…
I *love* how they point to us Asians as “model minorities” and use us to show off how America is meritocracy, then turn around to remind us we’re not really “American”.
Thank you! I noticed that about the Flint pastor, too. This very polite woman came up to him and politely but firmly asked him to stay on topic and he cringed like a junior high school kid who fears a beat down. Then later he blusters all over the place. Man’s a coward--no spine at all.
There’s no way he snaps at an audience member. Other than to his debate opponents Trump is incapable of standing up to people when they’re there. Remember how he cowered like a puppy when the Flint pastor told him to stop stumping in her church, and then when they were no longer in the same room he went on about how…
He’s really more like the kind of guy who flunks the class and has to retake it but totally says he knew all the material, he was just really hung over the morning of the final and it’s all the professor’s fault for asking so many BS trick questions.
I’m personally hoping for an old Muslim woman to ask the question that breaks him down, m’self.
He could wiggle out of that.
Citizen: Mr. Trump, if elected, you would be the most overweight US President in over 100 years.
Depends if she coughs.
But you already know his response to that question:
Been my top since I heard about the town hall. I meant to attempt to submit it myself but then I got ridiculously sick.
So this was interesting from Wikipedia:
Consider the alternative that Trump really is prepping. I know his campaign “leaked” that he is not prepping, not serious, etc., but why should we believe them? When have they been honest about anything? Maybe he really has prepped. Maybe his performance at the last debate was the best he could do.
Have we ever seen his school transcripts?
My friend and I had planned to meet at the one and only coffee shop in Portland participating as a “Luke’s Diner” (what’s up with that, Portland you city of pretentious coffee drinkers??? Can’t dedicate more than one to this beautiful endeavor???!) but common sense prevailed and we settled for sitting down with lattes…
Every time these ghost-written books are mentioned from celebs like the Kardashians, someone makes a joke about them being illiterate. The idea that women who trade on their appearance can’t also be literate is an ugly and sexist response. I don’t care who it’s about.
That’s some long game! If that’s true they deserve to be America’s Royalty, because that’s is Katerina Sforza-level game playing right there.