I don’t even think it was about money or intellectual laziness, the way many claim. I think the Republicans just saw that Democrats were for it, so they felt compelled to be against it.
I don’t even think it was about money or intellectual laziness, the way many claim. I think the Republicans just saw that Democrats were for it, so they felt compelled to be against it.
It’s not just Drudge. This is a wingnut talking point, Limbaugh had the same take. Could you imagine that conference call where the decide on this shit?
Right, I wonder if the thought even wisped through his head that one of the reasons they’re in the deplorables bucket is because they see liberal conspiracies in everything. Like, have a little bit of self awareness, dude.
This is no bullshit - I have a real data point for you. Have family that live right on the beach south of Daytona. They’re old (because Florida) and refusing to leave citing the height of their home (10 feet above MSL), the sand dune between them and the beach and the fact that “not many people died in Haiti - we’ll…
It’s why I’m really annoyed that climate somehow* became a partisan issue. No one left middle or right should think that a hurricane center would be faking data on how big a hurricane is.
Well, that, and the rampant racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and general assholery of all types.
As someone sitting and waiting for this hurricane to just run through, Matt Drudge can go fuck himself.
Rush Limbaugh also suggested that hurricanes are “in the interest of the left.”
The deplorables are starting to wonder if govt has been lying to them about Hurricane Matthew intensity to make exaggerated point on climate
This! I love when everyone brings up the (very few) times, saying “hey guys — the pretty Fox lady stopped saying loathsome things for a couple of minutes to say something slightly less loathsome” like she deserves the Pulitzer or something.
As a liberal who actually watched her for years because he was caring for an old guy who never turned off Fox News after Obama was elected: She’s an asshole.
I think she gets way too much credit for the “so great” she does. She’s being graded on a curve against her fellow Fox hosts and that really distorts what she’s really like. Most of the liberals who love her don’t watch her show and thus really only see the “great” times which are fairly few and far between. And…
I don’t think she is confusingly loveable at all, even if she threw a sick burn on Hannity. And I know some people call her a feminist, but I feel like she only is when it is convenient for her.
And even though she’ll “report” on “one of those crazy conspiracy theories” (Like the “mysterious” thing that Hillary wore during the debate that was her mic-pack) and give it a wink and a shrug, she’s STILL REPORTING THE CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIES and the loons that watch Fox don’t hear the sarcasm, they just hear the…
Oh come on, do we really need to resort to such childish insults? What did the worms and the horse crap do to deserve such hateful remarks? Comparing them to Sean Hannity like that... You should be ashamed.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!! The “New Black Panther Party” GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I completely forgot about ‘08's Bogeyman.
This! I’m like “confusingly loveable?” REALLY?! She’s a racist, classist, priviledged white woman who only calls on feminism to protect her out of self-interest. I guarantee you that if I walked by her in a dark parking lot with my curly afro-ed self, she’d scurry away and call the cops because I’m “threatening.” Fuck…
Given that Fox News has created a stable of “on-air personalities” rather than journalists, I’d imagine that where ever Megan Kelly ends up, she will always do what’s best for Megan Kelly® (the brand). She’s only boldly “off-script” now because she realized that both her popularity and notoriety increased after she…
In case I wasn’t being clear, it’s confusing for white women.
“Confusingly loveable”