
Here’s a simple test for “good cops” - take a video of an obviously illegal use of force by an officer - say, beating a handcuffed suspect, failure to render aid to a shot and bleeding suspect - and look at all the cops standing by. Then check press coverage for info from the reports filed from the cop-witnesses.

It’s going to be so funny when we are old ladies and “Tiffany” is a retro name that cool parents think is cool.

This is good to know, but I’m not quite sure why everyone’s so thrilled. It will do NOTHING to his voters. They won’t care. If they don’t care when he insults a disabled person, and veterans and their families, and he stiffs small business owners, they are not going to care — may even praise his accounting acumen —

And if you don’t want to be considered a racist along side with them, you better be damn sure to be anti-racist every opportunity and that includes shaming those folks and cutting them the fuck out of your life. I don’t care if it’s your fucking mother, white people need to start being a part of the solution or you

Same person: “Don’t judge all cops because a few are bad!” “if only 2 skittles in a whole bowl might kill you KEEP OUT ALL IMMIGRANTS CAUSE ONE MIGHT BE MEAN TO ME”

Yup, I can’t understand how a large number of the anti-gov types are also usually the first to support the military and cops, which are both the most repressive entities of our government.

Exactly. I’m genuinely perplexed by why it’s this way. When folks in my profession cross a line, you have to peel me off the ceiling. I take it personally. I do not understand why police officers have exactly the opposite response.

“There’s not a whole lot of perks that come with this job.”


This is another thing that scares me about a Trump presidency. He’s going to start doing terrible things to the American people and yet who could ever help us? He could obliterate fucking everyone else on the planet.

Right now their desk duty is probably just watching racist youtube videos and posting to Stormfront.

I see this pic of her everywhere for one of those You Might Also Like links at the bottom of pages that leads to some suspicious site, using a headline like “What Donald Trump Doesn’t Want You To Know About His Other Daughter!”


“I had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own,” Ms. Maples said.

Telling people of color ”just cooperate with the police and you won’t get hurt” is like telling a woman “be careful what you wear and you won’t get raped”.

I hate responding to people like you, but since I’m gray it won’t ungray you. Did you happen to notice than in the shooting of Jeremy Mardis, the cops were IMMEDIATELY arrested and charged with murder? When white people are shot...SHIT GETS DONE and people are held responsible. Whether they’ll see any real kind of

Vile sadistic murderers is right. I never watch these videos but I clicked on this one and it infuriates me how nonchalant they were about running a man over. Look at him dodging the car in their attempts to hit him, they treat him like an animal being hunted for sport. No person should ever have to look at those who

That would get in the way of their upcoming paid vacation.

This is what really gets me the most. Cops like this deserve absolutely zero respect and all the backlash possible, these people are not fit to hold ANY authority over the public. Too bad speaking out against them gets you labeled 100% anti-cop so there’s never any constructive conversation had about how to deal with

Also just a few days ago police in US tasered to death an mentally ill black person called Reginald Thomas, they left his body in his house for 12 hours. It amazing that the US can lecture anyone about being the land of the free or best country in world, you are killing off a generation.