Not quite the same thing, but one of my favorite Kinja comments ever was on an article about a teacher who instructed his students to create a Venn diagram of George W. Bush and Hitler:
Not quite the same thing, but one of my favorite Kinja comments ever was on an article about a teacher who instructed his students to create a Venn diagram of George W. Bush and Hitler:
I thought it promoted Stockholm Syndrome?
Listen, she spends an entire song going on and on about how boring and provincial everyone in her town is.
A teacher once told us that it’s an old European story that originated as a way to comfort young girls who were being married off to gross old men or some such thing. I’d buy it.
a metaphor for an abusive kidnapper
Disney really can’t leave well enough alone, can they? WTF is wrong with the original?
All I could think of was what Clover said. The whole story seems to promote beastiality. Ugh.
The line drawn between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump is both obvious and invisible—like it was etched using a thick black marker with ink only the sane can see.
Definitely shade. I shrieked at my tv screen with joy.
You know what Mariah’s schtick is? Five octaves.
What about when Hillary talked about Michelle Obama’s amazing speech at the DNC convention? Melania shade?
Actually, the “paid money in Cuba” thing ... most people don’t give a shit, you’re right. But one very important, some might say tremendous, demographic really, really does give many shits: Cuban Republicans in Florida. No Republican has ever, EVER, won Florida without the Cuban vote. He might as well kiss his chances…
Donald going to prison would almost make this whole disaster of an election cycle worth it.
Did he really just invent a nonexistent “sex tape”?
I teach sixth graders. They write circles around Trump.
I think the constant attacks are an intimidation tactic, but they’re instinctual for him instead of strategic. He actually believes that nothing he did was wrong, and it is physically painful for him to know that other people think he’s wrong, and he needs to both convince those people that he’s right and punish…
In all seriousness, people voting for this guy need to have their citizenship revoked and be immediately exiled.
Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?
Maybe that’s the only time he can get his phone back from his aides? Serious question: how much of his constant attacks on Machado are a heavy handed attempt to frighten other women who have also been mistreated by him from going public?