Right. The big trump may go down, but we’re look at a bunch of mini trumps mad enough to crash the whole country
Right. The big trump may go down, but we’re look at a bunch of mini trumps mad enough to crash the whole country
When I found out I was pregnant and discovered the cost of daycare, I started saving that amount of money every paycheck. (Ours is roughly $1,000 a month, so I started saving $500.) That way, by the time my son was born and maternity leave was over, I was used to the extra expense and had a nice $5,000 savings account…
The balls come from him knowing that the protest he was attending was full of educated, and committed to the cause members of the student body who he resides among, instead of the magical violent boogeyman that is so often portrayed. His fearlessness comes from the blanket of comfort provided him by this country that…
We know a good network of stay at home moms that watch our kids. It costs like $40 a day, but our daughter loves the kids and moms she gets to hang out with, so I guess we are using ‘gray market options’.
To me it feels like we’ve taken two steps forward, then three steps back, and then we tore and achilles.
An interview with a Trump Voter the other day on NPR featured the statement “I believe Obama has actually set back race relations in this country”. Of course, what that really means is “everyone just kept their racisim to themselves before and we could laugh and joke about black people behind their backs at our…
There could be a good debate about that, good enough that I have changed my views over the years. I don’t happen to have the energy for that debate today, but I will post a link to an article that is in praise of Canada’s laws(just to note it isn’t a balanced view)
Angelina fighting with Pitt in By the Sea. To memoralize their breakup, the new 9/11.
Seems like a disproportionate number of home-grown terrorists had either failed military or failed law enforcement carriers. Are we going to see this guy on the news for something more serious someday?
It wasn’t just Trump The GOP has flirted heavily with this group to maintain power. Now it’s too late to backtrack if they want to keep controlling the senate.
And his skyrocketing approvals suggest that these scumbags are very much a minority and that the people finally know what they have in him. Still, the fact that Trump has made it ok for these people to crawl out of the sewers and their mommy’s basement and Arkham Asylum, is worrying.
What makes you think police departments wouldn’t WANT a person known to intimidate civil rights supporters?
I love the end of the livestream I saw where the cops pull his mask off in front of everyone and then basically parade him in front of the people he was antagonizing. The kid looks TERRIFIED and it is sooooo very satisfying.
Here’s his face, since he wants attention, and doesn’t deserve the anonymity of the mask.
I keep thinking to myself, “oh, there’s no way that people can display any worse behavior than what has already been displayed in this election cycle. Nothing shocks me anymore. We have reached peak Asshole Behavior.”
Obviously. Or the Presidency.
He Who Shall Not Be Named has made them bold! There’s no shutting this down in our lifetime. Progress in this country is two steps forward, one step back and this right here, is a step back, the backlash to the incredible leap forward that was Obama.
Of course he is.
So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?