
It remedies his problem. His problem is that he is afraid women will get promoted and gain the same wealth and power he has. This is nothing more than another white guy who wants all the wealth and power for himself and wants the lower-classes to debase themselves for crumbs.

If the default mentality in our society wasn’t to hoard as many scraps of wealth and power as possible, a lot of this would blunt and inherently go away. The inherent problem is that when we cut up the non-owner-class pie we’re always competing with each other.

I agree, I would rather he not concern troll either!

Don’t confuse “having your shields up” with “being a condescending asshole.”

He also seems to be discounting the possibility that a woman might be in a position to hire other women...or a company might be run by a person of color...or the fact that most HR managers & investors in the year 2016 would be extremely turned off, suspicious (and probably a little weirded out?) by an applicant’s

I love the idea that as long as you got hired, you’ll never face bias again. You got the job, lady, that means there will be no gender bias now!

Guy stops presuming big dumb woman doesn’t actually know what she’s saying, finds she’s actually quite funny. News at eleven.

That’s precisely it. He wouldn’t apply this set of strategies to men, he’s insisting that the status quo is just fine and women just aren’t trying hard enough, instead of advocating change through the industry.

Heh! Hey, that gives me an offtopic idea.... if the Clinton campaign were brave enough to engage in a little higher level snark, they could clinch the millennial feminist vote by publishing the recipe for the “cookies they made me bake as penance for speaking my mind”....

I like how he assumes that this isn’t something a lot of women already thought of, and then discarded as utterly impractical/ offensive.

Best of all, he doesn’t apply this set of strategies to men. Just the wimmenz. Again, men are the default standard that women are expected to match, or be ignored.

Re: your disclosure. Have you considered neutralizing your online persona?

Send your official male representative in your place? I don’t know, the whole thing seems pretty weak.

Nope. Dead on.

So his entire article translates to men are stupid chauvinists who won’t hire women if they can help it so the best thing for women to do is erase and obscure your gender so that the menfolk will give you equal consideration? Also diversity but not really?


Jesus, can you imagine watching a photorealistic Mufasa tumble to his death?? (spoiler alert) Hard pass.

Is the one where Aladdin finds out his dad is still alive, and is voiced by John Rhys-Davies.

Can we all admit the Beauty and the Beast is going to be creepy as fuck as a live action movie?

The third Aladdin was strangely good