
Next time, roll down your window and ask her for a kidney. When she looks confused, tell her that 13 Americans die every day waiting for a kidney transplant and if she’s got 2 working kidneys, she could donate 1 and save the life of someone already born.

All three of my kids were born in the UK and I don’t see how my fellow American women have kids. Everything that woman said was true about UK health care. My health visitor spotted my terrible anxiety was actually PPD and found me a group for support. She also suggested I train as a breastfeeding supporter, She told

I’m going to have to get up on my doctor soapbox right should NEVER have left over antibiotics to take ‘next time’. Please please please finish your antibiotics. Your infection won’t clear if it’s not completely resolved by the full course of medication and taking incomplete courses of antibiotics as well

Every time that universal healthcare is debated, I see a bunch of rich, white senators whose healthcare is paid for by the American taxpayers tell me that we have the best healthcare in the world, the market determines fair pricing, and that no changes are needed.

Their parents probably waited until they were seven to talk to them about police brutality.

Saw a lady driving an SUV yesterday morning with a bumper sticker on the rear windshield that read ‘CHOOSE LIFE!’

Those high risk pregnancies would be assessed *IF* the women had adequate access to healthcare, especially prenatal care.

Universe health care access would make a huge improvement, honestly. Women wouldn’t have to worry about blood test costs, additional testing, will see a doctor earlier for problems, etc.

Canadians aren’t that much thinner than Americans. I think there’s got to be more to it than just weight.

But hey, let’s pass another fucking law that restricts abortion access and attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. You know, cause we care soooo much about women’s health. Ass-wads.

Said it before, I’ll say it again. Here’s how body cams and dash cams need to work to start putting trust back in police:

a) Officer is issued body cam, and provided training.
b) Officer is provided enough batteries & memory to continually record 150% of their scheduled shift.
c) At the end of each shift , memory is

See: Laquan McDonald. The story was bogus from the get-go and the video proved one officer killed McDonald when there was no threat to the officer who fired, fellow officers, or bystanders. The other officers then lied on official reports to cover up a blatantly bad shoot (and that’s not just me saying that; friends

Obviously a gun was recovered at the scene. But you are asking the wrong question.

You should tell her sooner rather than later (which, as a non parent, I can only assume would be super easy :-/). White people who grow up thinking the police are “good” are as big a problem as the police themselves.

Why do taxpayers have to keep buying cameras if they get “lost” and “broken” over and over and over? In actuality, we’re buying the cover-up. We pat ourselves on the back for buying a “solution” that allows cops to continue murdering people. We brush it under the rug because we expect accountability, and then we

“Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney admitted as much during a press conference Thursday, saying that “the video does not definitively show 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scott pointing a gun at anyone,” the AP reports.”

And six-year-old children of color? They are exposed to the ugliness of the world simply by virtue of being of color. What say you to those children?

Even IF he had a gun, how is that a reason for the cops to shoot him? Why the fuck is it that a white man with a gun is just using his 2nd Amendment rights, and a black man with a gun is dangerous?!

It blows my mind that people honestly think a large portion of the population, one already seen as a target thanks to the color of their skin, who have to warn their children not to wear hoodies/hold wallets/move their hands lest they be considered suspicious, would all be waving guns around willy-nilly around police

Minority kids are capable of learning it. Your crack about how people “must not be parents” is totally off base and dismissive.