The team’s owner, Bill Lynch, said that he decided to silence Rapinoe’s protest because he didn’t want to “subject our fans and friends to the disrespect such an act would represent.”
The team’s owner, Bill Lynch, said that he decided to silence Rapinoe’s protest because he didn’t want to “subject our fans and friends to the disrespect such an act would represent.”
The ERA would have opened doors to pregnancy discrimination lawsuits, equal pay, parental leave and a host of other gender equality measures that are still “controversial.”
Why not both? Schafly is/was an out in the open representation of the kind of cognitive dissonance that allows pro-lifers to get an abortion or obtain one for their daughters because they have a “valid” reason. Or recipients of any sort of government assistance that rail against government assistance for “those…
Did you just compare a biracial man to a white woman who lied about her race? Being financially well off doesn’t equal white. The fact that you even suggest that is absolutely wild.
As my granddad would say: You’re trying to pick up bullshit with logic. It ain’t gonna work.
The flag and the anthem mean something to the millions of blacks and other minorities that get discriminated against systematically in this country, then get told to shut up and get out when they want to start a dialogue about what’s going wrong and how to fix it.
White hypocrites: “Black people should protest peacefully, not loudly in the streets.”
Playing the anthem early pretty much proves the uselessness of playing it at all, right?
“We don’t want Megan Rapinoe to cause a scene, so we’re going to cause a scene.”
This is a good point about Schlafly and the Eagle Forum—for all of their claims of grassroots and bottom-up organization, they were heavily funded by corporate America who saw the ERA as a threat to their interests. The ERA would have opened doors to pregnancy discrimination lawsuits, equal pay, parental leave and a…
mmk, your opinions have been noted, no one here cares, bye
Yes, it’s a conservative myth, but it’s long baffled me why it isn’t used as a petard to relentlessly hoist conservatives by. If they’re so nostalgic for the traditional family, why have they been in the vanguard of the policies that have shaped the economy to make it impossible for the vast majority of American…
Phillies. *dies*
Translation: I’m not part of the culture that said this for years before white people got wind of it, and now that white people have started saying it, I’ve noticed and I don’t like it. Therefore, everyone, including people from the culture that was already saying it and didn’t ask white people to say it incorrectly,…
My very conservative Catholic family had an awful lot of “premature” babies that were born at “seven” months weighing 8 or 9 lbs.
Kaepernick definitely wins the “bae” part, hands down. Damn! (And I understand that by objectifying him, I lose out on being “woke” but I’m ok with that.)
“The Daily Show” has been hit or miss since my boo Jon left, but they knocked it out of the park with this segment.
Nah, Schlafly didn’t believe it. If she did, why did she spend her life on the road speaking and advocating instead of at home as she encouraged? She was as full of shit as every other ultra-conservative “family values” advocate in that all she really wanted to do was make a career out of fighting a force…
This. That glorious, rosy view of the past literally never existed. There was no wonderful time of peace and harmony where everyone all got along because they did what God (and his mouth-pieces on earth) told them to. People have always been ‘bad’ in the eyes of the religious right. There have always been beaters and…
See, I’ve always thought of Schlafly as worse than Coulter, for a single reason. I’ve always kind of doubted as to whether Coulter genuinely believes some of the stuff she says, or whether she’s simply pulling off a masterful troll job. Schlafly BELIEVED every word she said. She was for real. Coulter, at least in her…