
Here’s the thing, though. If the cops suddenly kick down his door or flick on their lights, Colin Kaepernick will be still be black (not to mention large and athletic—features that can and have been used against victims of police brutality to justify officer overreaction). There’s no contract or endorsement deal will

Yo... make sure your husband reads this: you are defending the fucking constitution.. Not the fucking theme song.. If that song is solely for our military I'll be sure to grab a hotdog during that part. Shorter lines.

Looking at it another way, he is an elite athlete that thousands of people look up to, he makes $20 million a year, and despite that he still feels like a second-class citizen because of the colour of his skin.

You have a hard time cause you’re not listening to reason and can’t get past your own sense of offense.

Man, when people want to question Kaepernick’s intent, he should just hand them printouts of this passage.

We also live in a world where he is more likely to be shot and killed, and she is more likely to be harassed for being nothing other than who they are. What good is all that money if you don’t feel safe?

Respect the country that gave him the freedom to do it? You speak as though the rest of the world is living under some sort of totalitarian dystopia.

.he could speak at schools, donate money, organize protests, join protests....etc and it would get the correct attention

The point of protest is to push for change. Protest always, always, 100% of the time is uncomfortable for at least some people. Your list of things “he can do” is really nice but it makes no news, pushes no buttons. Protest is meant to push your reticent, conservative, regressive buttons because god damn it, shit

From MLK’s Letter from a Brimingham Jail:

What does his ability, income, work schedule have to do with the inequality he is protesting? Wendell Pierce is a semi famous black actor who has been pulled over and has had a gun pointed at him by the policeman right from the get go. Your fame and wealth are NOT A SHIELD against racism.

Kaepernick does all of those things you’ve pointed out. He speaks at schools, he has promised $1 million to various community groups, with more to come.

it would get the correct attention and also the point across to people in a much better way.

Of course. Could care less whether Rapatoe gets shit for this because that’s a consequence. But to imply, like the OP, that this was just for show and that she has no skin in the game by making the protest is ridiculous. She’s a public figure and stands to possibly lose financially. Given her salary versus Kapernick

“He could speak at schools, donate money....” You know he doesn’t do this? I believe he just talked about a million dollar donation he was making, you can do more than one thing you know? “Organize protests, join protests...” ummmm, that’s exactly what he is doing here, you just don’t like WHEN he’s doing it, here’s a

Well see, here’s the thing - you’re just a shitty person. It’s cool. There’s a LOT of shitty people out there who have no empathy for others. And that’s fine. Hey, you can even be racist if you want, because this is America and that’s allowed.

Hi. Thank you for being so open and honest and how you feel. We should be having discussions like this.

As for this girl though, come on already. My eyes can’t roll hard enough. This is display for display sake.

You're voting for Drumpf, aren't you?

that was way too many words to say “if you don’t agree with my narrow world view, you suck.”