
There are a lot of children in the system with multiple disabilities, but I’m not sure about the specifics around your question. I’ve worked with kids who have life threatening health conditions, and the children and families go through so much. I’m not saying that their lives are not worth living, but I think that

Except for men’s’ swimming. Yes, it is exciting to see who wins, but I would say 95% of the appeal is watching those boys come out of the water and adjust their suits.

Ugh, my woman brain isn’t interested in very many Olympic sports, but the ones it might watch (mostly swimming) will lose about 95% of their appeal if I already know who won. And I HATE that 85% of coverage has always been wading through life stories to get to the three seconds of edited action they deign to show.

People who reject the feminist label to be a ‘humanist’, and people who believe in All Lives Matter over Black Lives Matter are examples of people who stand in the way of social progress. They’re obstacles to a better, equal society. They help to validate the opinion that disadvantaged groups aren’t actually

it’s always interesting when the black/poc friend,lover,etc is brought up to contest a white person’s racist ideology. men who hate women have sex ,befriend,and marry women all the time. certainly,donald trump’s misogyny isn’t negated by his wife’s gender...

“When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.”

I’ve been affected by those surveillance projects and I’m not even American! I think in the end, that’ll stain America’s legacy. When people talk about Rome and its stupendous democracy and how awesome it was, hindsight showed us that Rome, like America, wasn’t great for minorities.

LOL! These are my parenting rules:

I hate that fucking trope.

Tax breaks, ability to set aside more than $2500/yr in retirement, etc. The social safety net. You and I. Just as we do for corporations and their tax breaks so CEOs can become obscenely wealthy.

Thanks for the review, this was pretty much my impression from the trailer but a lot of my mom-friends were really excited about it. It’s very popular to say things like, “Oh I’m being such a bad mom right now, it’s 7 o’clock on a Friday so I’m putting on Frozen and pouring myself a glass of wine.” This is not “bad

Sick Peter Thiel burn.

“We’re sitting at home…racking our brains, and just watching our wives in this stressed-out life trying to be a great parent…so the inspiration was basically our wives.”

I actually prefer Tarek and Christina to Chip and Joanna. He’s such a douche ... but douche > youth pastor / closet evangelical.

Looks like Hobby Lobby chic to me. Lots of fake distressed wood, vintage clocks and a heavy sprinkling of Jesus over it all.

Am I the only one who thinks she doesn't really like Chip all that much? She thinks his jokes are stupid (she's correct) and kind of needles him.

Here’s why the show got on my nerves: sliding barn doors. I swear in every damn episode, they put sliding barn doors somewhere.

I cry on literally every rewatch now when Richard is in the hospital during the first season Christmas episode (Forgiveness and Stuff) and Emily demands to die first and he very gently says “Yes, Emily. You may go first.”

I reject that analysis, and I would like another one, please. The only reason people say 6 is worse is because they don’t like the plot. HOWEVER, season 6 still feels like GG, it has the same acting, dialogue and jokes, regardless of what’s happening in the characters’ lives. Season 7 is like Alternate Universe GG,

How Luke handled it was completely out of character.