
I won't lie, I teared up when she cast her votes.

True that’s like 20 years in Taylor relationship time

What was the question???

Could someone re-check this calendar -


Same! There was a film adaptation in the 1990s that I saw as a teen in early 2000s which terrified me. I remember thinking the politicians in the film sounds just like Bush. Sadly, I’m (almost) nostalgic for Bush these days...

Good god, the casting for this keeps getting better and better. What are the votes for The Commander (and the rest of the cast)? I always pictured somebody like Gregg Henry:

The Handmaid’s Tale, coming 2017

Such a great book. Really looking forward to this. One touch I found particularly ominous was the scene in the book where Offred goes to the minimart for a pack of cigarettes, and discovers that she can no longer use her debit card, because they have been cut off for all females overnight. The scene was completely

Uh, no.

So many feelings:

Fair enough.

Thank you for bringing up that sweet memory. I HATE how Ryan considers himself an intellectual.

He has a 100% rating from NARAL, genius.

“pro life guy”

I definitely feel like Kaine is in the Biden style of a VP. He’s affable, he’s a fighter, he started out his law career fighting for civil rights and pro bono work. Unlike most of the other options (which seemed likely to backfire [Warren, Booker, Brown, Castro, Franken]), this is one I’m genuinely excited about.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

Were you not here for the maxi dress article fiasco?

Ellie, don’t listen to the haters. I concur.

“I respect the decision of the Illinois Republican Party and understand their concerns about my safety and that of the entire Illinois delegation.”