
I remember a someone I follow on another site once made a comment about a ridiculous vegan post (about getting panic attacks at the merely walking past someone else barbecuing) and said “That guy’s not a very secure vegan. He’s saying what he thinks vegans are supposed to feel since he really has no clue.”

How Is everyone missing the point that she lifted it from the woman married to, according to Trump, a devious mass murderer? Obama, the Kenyan Devil? There’s enough irony here to build an aircraft carrier.

This is not her native language, she’s not used to public speaking, and it was broadcast internationally. Give her a break.

Hard to make a speech about the guy you’re married to because he has hella money.

I get chills reading about how Kanye controls her outward looks. There are few things that bother me more than a man controlling a woman’s wardrobe. I run a boutique and nothing makes my skin crawl more than a girl who loves an item/outfit and she either has to “ask her boyfriend” if she can/should buy it, or if he is

Kim dives deep into a GQ interview she just had. Kim tells Kourtney that the interviewer asked her straight up about Kanye rapping about having sex with other women, particularly having sex with Taylor Swift.

I don’t know why I’m still shocked when when people are so unobservant as to take the time to post about something they think they are above, and trash it, showing that they aren’t above it, and outing themselves as hating themselves.

All I know that is that it’s taken him out of the IN governor’s race and the lieutenant governor is new and not well-known. So it’s Dems time to shine around here. ;)

Glad to have you out of Indiana’s vaginas hair, Pence. Have fun walking that one back.

While this may be so, the kids aren’t licking faces. It’s very annoying to some people when a dog licks them anywhere. Others, like me, break out in minor hives when their hands are licked by dogs. Don’t know why, just happens, and just in general I would prefer not being licked by animals who lick their nether

Luckily, while not all dogs are coprophages, many do go through a phase during puppyhood. But think on this...

I am 36, and I feel as though I’ve been running one step ahead of a tidal wave for my entire life. Sometimes I didn’t see it, and other times I’ve felt the spray of the waves on my ankles, but I do feel terrible for all of the younger people who come after me. They are being tossed here and there by the wave, and I

(I'm not even into muscle dudes)

It’s because it’s the “feminist” version of ghostbros. Hiddleston was one of the main crushes for nerd girls and they can’t handle that he’s going with the total opposite of them so it must be fake and it has to be the biggest conspiracy ever. Just like those “paid reviews” from critics for ghostbusters.

He refers to her as Taylor Swift instead of Taylor though. If I’m truly madly deeply in love with someone I’m not referring to them by their whole name when I speak of them or my relationship. There’s a lack of intimacy there that betrays what he’s saying.

Because you want to talk about it, geez. Of course I’m getting my news from news sites, but it’s 1.30AM here and most people are asleep and I’m upset. Jezebel is a community, it’s where people share things in a relatively safe place. And for people who have been here for years, as I have, it’s always been a site where

obviously they mean that they are good for baking but useless on toast unless you add something else to the mix

Who calls their significant other by their full name? soon as I saw he used her full name instead of just saying “Taylor”, my suspicion hackles were raised. Who calls their significant other by their full name?

Kim didn’t say Bible! SHE DIDN’T SAY BIBLE!