
I just assumed “angel hair” was a reference to how thin and inferior her hair is to the far superior Spaghettoni hair

I will agree that these past racist works of art can be used as teachable moments but those moments are for white people, not people of color. Ask yourself, do you really need Huck Finn to inform the world that people of color have been marginalized? It seems to me in upholding these works, you are more interested in

she deserves a separate paycheck for each clone.

She should have been nominated individually for each clone.

Now, if only she WINS. That woman deserves ALL the awards!

American tourists tend to have a thing about throwing money in any body of water and feeding wild animals like they think that animal whisperer genes are part of the nation’s DNA.

Your Disney Gator Truther doesn’t know what he’s talking about, then. Alligators frequently stick to prey they can eat in a single bite. Larger prey, however, is killed by dragging it into the water where the gator does a death roll to drown it. The gator then stashes the prey somewhere underwater to rot for a while

The firefighters’ gators were almost certainly unrelated to one that drowned Lane Graves, because it’s hard for a gator to cross the roadways. Also, why would you go chasing kids when you’re being fed by hand?

Of course, the six-year-old orphan that she came to love “as her own” was left behind as soon as the shit hit the fan.

The Missionary College near me (I’m in the Golden Horseshoe) just did another fundraiser to send more white teenage missionaries to “Africa” to ‘save’ the poor heathen children from their tragic lack of religion.

Mmmm. With a nice spicy marinara or just some olive oil and garlic?

I am a huge fan of BarbieSavior. It should be required reading for everyone wanting to join some kind of international relief effort, to separate the goodhearted with valuable skills from the bored well-to-do seeking “personal growth.”

I am curious as to why she thinks native Zambians think angels would have long blonde hair.

“Clearly Ms Linton does not seem to take this into consideration nor does she seem to understand that freedom of expression comes with responsibility.

You guys, follow BarbieSavior on Instagram. Barbie saves the “country of Africa” and its orphans and red dirt. Is beautiful.

Becky with the long angel hair?

Most of the stories on Flygirl were at least as offensive as Linton’s idiotic narrative. The only reason they avoided official governmental rebuke from the countries where your contributors embarked on their white-girl “adventures” is probably because they weren’t widely enough read.

“As the night ticked interminably by, I tried not to think what the rebels would do to the ‘skinny white muzungu with long angel hair’ if they found me.”

Also fuck Tintin. Tintin au Congo is one of the most racist things I read as a child. I don’t care if it’s been watered down for the films, english books etc, if you spend money on anything Tintin, you’re supporting that.

This lady is Margaret Laurence personified. White/European people going into Africa, unasked, and shoving their horse shit all over the place. This lady ought to be a cautionary tale but the industries of NGO’s and travel colonialism is alive and well in sub-Saharan Africa. Europeans think nothing of black African