
Because my tax money does not provide the gun that was used to shoot all those people in Chicago. Because the solution to poverty-driven violence is big, and involves a lot of stuff that I have no control about. Because police are supposed to be protecting US, and obeying the laws and enforcing the laws FOR US, and

You’re saying this as if there aren’t ANY organizations dedicated to rectifying and stopping intraracial violence, especially gang violence. Just because YOU don’t think people care doesn’t make that the truth. Also, you wanna talk about how 80 people were shot over the holiday weekend. Do you also want to talk about

Though there may not be bombs and such going off here in the USA on a regular basis like there may be overseas in Iraq and such, it is creating the same result: the youngsters who watch their parents/brothers/sisters/family be murdered in front of them will grow up with a burning hatred. Those in charge would have us

This. All of this! Wish the pension could be tapped into rather than tax payer dollars. That might change the attitudes!

Probably because when a gangster shoots someone, he goes to jail. When a cop shoots someone, they retire and receive a pension.

I work with cops. And the one thing all these cases seem to have in common, these cops are scared. They are scared of black people, or they are scared of people. I don’t know. But their fear results in lost lives. Something is wrong with our police training, or recruiting, or something. Maybe police work attracts

This was not a situation where “the suspect” might kill him. First, there was no “suspect”. It was a routine traffic stop. Second, there was no way any reasonable person should have thought that the situation would require the use of deadly force. This wasn’t an active shooter situation!

They are, almost to a person, extremely skittish. Even in my personal experience. I used to own a car where the glove compartment was underneath the passenger seat. Got pulled over, for a broken light or speeding, can’t remember exactly what, and when I went to pull out my info after the officer asked for it, all of a

Even if the cop watched him shoot someone dead, he should STILL apprehend him alive if possible because due process is a real fucking thing.

Last fall in Atlanta someone called 911 because there was a scary (probably black) person they didn’t know walking down the street in the neighborhood.

You’re right, I can’t empathize with cops who kill people who were never a threat to them.

Becoming even a cop of the lowest rank requires three years of training and the equivalent of an associate’s degree in my country. Consequently, American cops kill 38 times the amount of citizens per capita each year than our cops do.

I can’t imagine standing behind a coworker who literally murdered someone, especially if as a result of that the public at large looked at me as potentially a murderer. Like, think of how insane a work environment that is. You see videos of the guy at the next desk killing a dude for no reason, and your response is to

I’m a white lady and I get anxious every time a cop is driving behind me. I don’t know how POC handle it, because they are infinitely more likely to be harassed, abused, murdered, for doing nothing. It’s really scary out there :(

I honestly wonder if the cop is afraid the victim will live long enough to testify. There is no other reason, with the resources available to them, that they never seem to call for immediate medical care.

I wish I could give you 1000 stars. You’ve nailed the reason that the “bad apple” defense is bullshit. The “good” apples virtually always circle the wagons around their own, no matter how fucking blatant and horrific the offense. The entire police culture is rotten from the bottom up, and is protected by district

I believe that whole heartedly, but it happens everywhere. Look at the Catholic Church same exact thing. Stop protecting people who don't deserve your protection

I remember seeing a stat mot long after Tamir Rice’s murder that 83% of police brutality complaints were filed against 6% of the cops.

I used to tell myself, “They just don’t know how bad it is. When people know, things will be different.” I can’t tell myself that lie anymore, and the truth that it reveals—that there is a substantial group of white people in this country that just don’t really care about black people—is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry

And in answer to your headline, yes, I’m afraid you will. It breaks my heart that a part of me is grateful that my son inherited his father’s light skin tone instead of my own.