his entire audience will just laugh it off like he did.
his entire audience will just laugh it off like he did.
Considering the grandmommy of the conservative moment, Phyllis Schlafly, literally said that sexual harassment is not a problem for virtuous women,I doubt that they’ll wake up. They’ll only see it as a problem when it affects them.
He made that assumption because she knowingly and willingly subjected herself to a system and an organization that espouses those values and she worked hard to tow the party line. These assholes are all working to “save america” by bringing us back to “the good old days” but want to cry when they’re shown what the…
I would love for that to be the case, but it won’t happen. If you asked Carlson about any other woman’s sexual harassment in the workplace she would probably still roll her eyes and claim the victim is being too sensitive and everyone is too PC.
First, no woman deserves to be treated like this in the workplace; discrimination laws protect right-wing jerks like Carson just as they protect anyone else. There shouldn’t ever be a “but...” here, but... this is what Fox News does. This is what Fox News sells. Rape victims are doubted, feminism is mocked,…
I truly hope she starts to understand why feminist causes are absolutely still relevant and must apply to everyone equally, even people we don’t particularly care for. No woman should have to endure that hell, and I hope she cleans them out for her own sake and sends a message to her colleagues and viewers
She has to endure that because other networks may ask her to not say racist things on TV and THAT would be too much.
Between Carlson and the Breitbart reporter who got manhandled by Lewandowski, I hope that conservative women might start to wake up to some of the BS that is occurring on their side.
So if there is this environment, and this expectation...what is going on with all the other women over there?
Where are the feminazis when you need us Gretchen?!
i also love that they get “ a day or two” to get their stories straight. must be nice.
NPR reported this morning that there was security camera footage from inside the shop, but the police took the shopkeeper outside put him in a car and removed the security footage and it’s system.
And, to all the trolls: You are gross, shitty human beings.
I think what Cpl. L’Jean McKneely meant to say was “to get their stories straight.”
I appreciate you putting a warning before the video. That’s literally all a trigger warning is: letting the brutalized know that some of the graphic shit they barely survived is about to be thrown in their faces, and they have the choice to look or not look depending on how much trauma they personally feel capable of…
This has been flooding my timeline, but I won’t watch it. I can’t watch people die anymore. Cameras do nothing. Laws are being reinforced to protect police from prosecution and to give them even more leeway to kill black people without consequence.
“...officers were usually given “a day or so to go home and think about it get their stories straight” before being interviewed.”
The department’s spokesperson Cpl. L’Jean McKneelytold The Advocate that officers were usually given “a day or so to go home and think about it” before being interviewed.
And both their body cams “fell off.” The rage and grief are indescribable this morning.