
They do not give a fuck about the country because Trump has 80%+ approval rating with Republicans. They just want to keep giving tax cuts to rich donors eho in turn stuff their pockets full of “campaign donations.”

The only time it was super obvious what the couple did was when two lawyers with specialized knowledge in US and Canadian tax laws were hunting for a million dollar house in the Cayman Islands.

Anyone with a interest in Plantagenet/pre Tudor history can tell you that journals kept by contemporaries of Richard III painted a completely different pictures of him than what most people think due to Tudor propaganda. I read a fantastic book about him once and am firmly #TeamRichardIII now. Yes, I am a huge dork, I

If you are into well researched historical fiction, please please read The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon Kay Penman and then you will be just as pissed at this shit as these folks are. Fuck Shakespeare for being a paid propagandist for the Tudors. I...I have strong feelings about this.

Ok I’m glad to hear someone else say this about the Bay Area. I kept hearing how they had the best food ever but I tried Korean, Thai, Sushi, Ramen and Vietnamese food while out there at supposedly highly rated places and everything was just really bland and mediocre*. Highly disappointing. I think maybe they THINK

100% real

Over in State Propaganda-land:

When it comes to Trump bullshit, I have learned to assumed the worst.

Lol Lindsay Graham and McCain make noise but don’t actually do shit. Perfect example was yesterday’s questioning on Sally Yates, Graham only asked about leaks and unmasking, not a single question about Flynn or Russia or what happened. He says on TV and twitter that he’s concerned or worried but when it comes to

Seeing things on twitter that a Grand Jury is underway and will subpoena Trump associates. I don’t know how to post tweets here buts its breaking news on CNN. However, as a minority that has seen a million grand juries for police brutality go nowhere, I have zero hope. Grand juries go the way of prosecution most of

They have all been “calling” for it for a while but tweeting does nothing. Republicans would have shut down the whole damn country if parties were reversed.

Oh FFS. If the Democrats can’t grow a damn spine now, then they never will. We are so fucked. Thanks dumb fucks who voted for Trump, congrats, you destroyed our democracy!

Oh god. It’s going to be Guiliani, isnt it?

This. Who is going to hold Trump Admin accountable for clusterfuck of Russia ties, unethical conduct, business shadiness. Not a damn person.

Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress:

You seem to have more faith in our voters than they deserve. I don’t think the people who vote straight GOP will care as long as they get to vote against “libtards”

I am so disgusted with our country. Republicans keep getting rewarded for putting their greed over helping the country. They faced no consequences for bullshit Iraq war, they faced no consequences for 8 years of intense racism aimed at Pres Obama, and I have no faith in our voters to hold these fuckers accountable for

Oh man, that sounds great!!

I suffered through years of flying anxiety/panic attacks because I had the same worry as you about being “drugged up.” Last summer, I finally broke down and got a prescription for Xanax and it is life changing. I take a really low dose pill about 45 mins before take off  and its effects gradually taper off in 3-4