
This season was pretty terrible, and all the people that made it to the final kind of suck. Would have loved to see Shane or Cara or Laurel in there. CT is the only peraon I’m rooting for. Nicole and Cory are just the worst, they are just so damn annoying and terrible people in general.

Nope she is a cop.

If only someone had fucking forced Trump to go to therapy for his extreme insecurity parading as extreme arrogance, this would would be so much better.

Yea that’s not Kim Kardashian’s real ass but there are many many women whose real bodies look just like Kim’s modified body. The comments about her body are vile. Make fun of her vapidness? Go right ahead. Make fun of her need for attention, extreme materialism. Those are all valid critiques.

Yogurt. This is how Indian people are able to eat spicy food everyday and not have any issues. We eat yogurt in the form of raita (yogurt side dish) or lassi or chaas.

I am on the other side of 30 and the best way I have found to get a pot hookup is asking my college going cousins or nieces/nephews. Even if they don’t use it, there is a 99.99% chance they will know exactly who to buy it from.

Along with your suggestion, I recommend “Paulette” on Amazon. It’s about a racist retired grandma who stumbles into being a pot and edibles dealer and learns to be not-racist along the way. Light hearted and funny. It’s in French so be ready to read subtitles though.

I get where FTC is going with this but I think the bigger problem is “influencers” who are sent things for free then rave about them aren’t technically considered sponsored and they don’t always disclose that they got things for free clearly. They just leave vague sounding disclosures saying some items in the video

 Also, I had 100% virgin hair so was a complete noob winging it. Not sure how I got to be 30 without ever dyeing or highlighting my hair. So if you have even a tiny bit of experience I’m sure your’s will turn out even better!

I just gave myself a balayage after watching months of youtube videos too! Go for it!! It came out pretty great, I’ve had nothing but compliments, even from my overly critical aunts.

Nope. He got the boot because he was bringing in less money (bleeding advertisers after this story broke) than they were paying him. It would be nice to think Fox had a shred of humanity but it’s essentially just about their bottom line.

I think he will probably just jump into conservative talk radio. They clearly have no issues with pill popping sexual assaulters.

If you read the books, pretend its a trilogy and stop after the 3rd one. After that the books just meander on and on and on without much happening. Honestly book 1 was the best of them, it will not get better.

Pretty sure the tribalism exists more heavily on one side of the political spectrum than the other. Your commentis way too close to “But both sides...” false equivalency BS that has led up to this clusterfuck.

Ha! This is the book I read that led me down the rabbit hole. I still can’t believe that Ravensbruck isn’t as well, after all that went on there.

I recently read a book about a group of Polish women who the Nazis conducted medical experiments on at a women’s concentration camp and it was....I don’t even have the words. I fell down a internet rabbit hole to read as much as I can about concentration camps since then. Would you mind sharing what you guys read in

We live in a country that, sadly, prioritizes corporate profits and efficiency over human lives and dignity. I’m surprised we don’t see stuff like this more often.

It really is. I was in India in Jan/Feb and traveled to 7 different states, Uttar Pradesh was just a whole another vibe. I would say it was more Mississippi than Florida. Very low literacy rates, very high poverty, the most unbalanced male:female ratio. Even my Indian relatives don’t really ever go there unless

Oh fuck off with your false equivalency. GOP blocked 79 Obama nominees w/ filibuster from 2009-2013 before Reid used nuclear option in 2013. McConnell used it after Democrats filibuster ONCE.

Get the fuck out of here with you “but both sides...” bullshit. GOP blocked 79 Obama nominees w/ filibuster from 2009 - 2013 before Reid changed rules to use nuclear option in 2013. McConnell used it after Democrats filibuster ONCE.