Because she has publiclly claimed to want to “empower women” and support women’s rights many many times. That is why. Bannon or Reince have never said that.
Because she has publiclly claimed to want to “empower women” and support women’s rights many many times. That is why. Bannon or Reince have never said that.
Fuck this craven opportunist family with a cactus. (except Barron, he is 10 and should not be held responsible) And fuck every single Trump supporter.
Drew just recently got married. To a women so probably not. Both brothers are pretty outspoken about LGBTQ rights on twitter so I doubt it’s a sham/beard marriage.
Chip and Joanna are the worst. So fucking insufferable with their fake cutesy folksy joking around. And complete whitewashing of Joanna’s ethnicity. Like she is half Korean but I feel like their kids don’t even know that or have any connection to their ethnic background. It really irrationally pisses me off.
Ehh sorry to rain on your parade. He still has top clearance and it just means that instead of discussing things with 45 + the rest of NSC together, he will just talk to 45 alone in the oval office. Kushner isn’t on the NSC either but that isn’t stopping him from being all up in our foreign policy. Nothing is as it…
Drugs to plant on people they arrest. I wish I was joking but I literally saw with my own eyes Baltimore cops putting bags if weed/something into the pockets of people they arrested during Freddie Gray protests.
Omg yes this. I am trying to have kids right now and I can see a future where I have no friends because I yelled at them to stop calling me a Mom. My kids can call me mom, that is my relationship to them. But the whole thing about saying I’m a Mom and having Mom friends is so grating. Like is there any other…
The reason conservatives won’t take any of these Russia/Perjury by Sessions/Conflict of Interest problems seriously is because they KNOW they were losing their shit over Obama for no damn reason so they think it is the same now. Thats why so many say things like “well we put up with Obama now its your turn.”
The explanation is worse or almost as bad as the ad. It is a bunch of word salad.
GTFOOH with your false equivalency
It already is! I was in India late Jan/Feb and apperently lots of Westerners go there for medical and dental work. Same with Thailand. There is a whole special service sector niche catering to helping medical tourists.
I’ve been listening to a podcast about the Fall of Rome (done by someone getting their PhD on the subject) and the similarities are really striking.
I also have 47966 cousins who I grew up with and my husband has 4 that he had only met 3 times in his whole life so it was just lopsided but I couldn’t not invite mine, we are all super close. I specifically asked my cousins to be nice to his and include them so they all ended up hanging out together. But I am Indian…
The thing is these laws discourage doctors from performing abortions or even getting trained to do them. The amount of abortion providers have drastically gone down in the last 10 years. The laws do get struck down eventually but a lot of the damage they do is irreversible.
Seriously. Next time Democrats are in power, they better fucking pass single payer, fix our education system, end oil subsidies etc. Fuck trying to reach across the aisle. Republicans should get the exact consideration they give Democrats, none.
Ugh the Republican playbook is so obvious yet people keep falling for it.
It was Jazz, he said she looked different ever since nicky was born. I know an embarrassing amount of Fresh Prince as well as The Nanny details.
Lol you think Congressional Republican who won’t even admit to Russia helping trump, despite testimony from FBI and NSA heads, are going to do anything about yet another flagrant disregard for the rule of law by Trump?
He was too good for us