Cave Johnson

E. Coli is a frickin' badass bacteria. It can be used for everything.
Except portal surfaces, still have to use moonrocks for those -.-


how alpha

err... well.. at least our stuff works at 1.8 volts...

and the moon. Please.

Yes mylord

Oh, that's muscle power. I'm talking about, you know, ACTUAL SCIENCE here? Ever heard of that?
We don't joke around with indiegogo here at ApSci.

i love your sarcasm

Gravity power? Shhhh! We haven't released that yet!

that's what i was implying ;D

So, a pill like that, would it be time-slowing or time-speeding?

English is my 4th language and i don't find hard to understand everything said in TD.

I'm Slovenian and i feel offended.

3200 pieces? I can hardly believe that..

Wasn't this already posted a couple days ago somewhere on gawker?

I hate the extremely rounded cornners. The thing about the one was also the edge-to-edge glass of the screen. This looks like a cheap chinese knockoff or one of the many lower-end HTC offerings. Just look at the front top! Those black lines around the edge...
Meh HTC, you did a fantastic job with the ONE, but this? nah.

You just called the Lada... A crappy car?
A crappy car?!?
Oh you have NO idea how tough those things are.

yeah, big typo

Space elevator? Pfft, we have portals on the moon.

12/12 would bang