
I'll be playing your game on the Dreamcast. If fact, I have six of the consoles. Though, four of them are being used for parts to keep the other two running. :D

Well a lot of people still do. Just because you don't know anyone personally, doesn't mean there aren't still gamers out there who love their DC's.

Keep doing what you're doing. I'm really impressed with devs who release stuff on obsolete consoles. Aside from the zinester-esque DIY aesthetic, there's something to be said for breaking down the barrier standing between us, the game fans, and those who were licensed to release stuff on console platform. Great work!

Dreamcast is better than PC and Mobile combined times infinity.

I bloody loved the Dreamcast too! It was so ahead of it's time. What an awesome console.

Fuck the haters. Sat there doing nothing creative, just hating.

Kudos to you brother! Keep on being awesome!

Trust me, you wont be the only one who plays it. As soon as I get my DC fixed (burnt out spindle, yes I played it that much) I'll be getting this game for it.

Wow. I'm honored at the very thought of ES sitting next to Earthbound...

Elysian Shadows developer here - If we have anything to say about it, we absolutely will! :D

You're absolutely right, and I know that. My whole team can attest to the fact that I basically wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to people hating on my work on the internet. It's hard to not take things personally when you've spent so much time working on a project and have become so emotionally invested in

Hey man, I would like to offer you a bit of advice as a fellow creator of things that the public can purchase, and use with the money they own. I'd be really careful how you respond to folks online. I get where you're coming from, and agree entirely, but you could say the same exact thing, without stooping to that

As much as i agree that the dreamcast should be left alone to die in peace, i feel like i need to point out that it does have an optional broadband modem (providing you want to waste your money on one) :3 not just the ol' dial up poop XD

Because the Dreamcast was an awesome system and why not make more games for it? Simple as that, really.

Email me, bro. Lets talk. We're both developers with 2D/3D RPGs. There should be respect and support. No hard feelings.

I wouldnt say there is one "slot" , unles we want to say that the fps slot is filled and people can quit making them and make some other genre for a change.

Why did you have to include those last two sentences? You had a legitimate question up until then, and now you just look like a giant asshole.

screw the haters, I'm buying the DC version

I like how that guy hasn't said a single thing to anyone ever since the lead developer replied to him.

Trust me, as many fans there are of the classic Sega Dreamcast (of which I am one), you WON'T be the only one who plays it there.

Because why not? I bought an indie Dreamcast game last year when I funded it via Kickstarter. I still love my Dreamcast and so do a lot of other people.

We're supporting the OUYA at launch, and 3DS support is planned as a stretch goal! :D