Hello, police? My neighbor is apparently stalking someone named Shawty. Last seen wearing apple bottom jeans and fur lined boots.
Hello, police? My neighbor is apparently stalking someone named Shawty. Last seen wearing apple bottom jeans and fur lined boots.
“Hello police. Yes. I heard him loud and clear. He said that he ‘likes big butts and that he cannot lie’ everyone in the HOA knows that this is a non outdoor smoking community. Why he would be outside with cigarettes is beyond me. Please help”.
I look forward to Mark Davis eating 8 years of Gruden’s ridiculous contract.
And were’s what Joe Theismann, then of ESPN, wrote about it:
Everyone at the game knew what he was doing the second he reached under that pad and they fucking loved it. It was a fun bit of fan service and the entire fox broadcast crew can be sewn together in a human centipede ouroboros and eat shit forever for all I care.
You have a point but these people are pathological and past the point of being educated. We just have to run them over and pummel them in to submission.
White people worship the flag and appropriate cultural phenomenon because they don’t have any identity other than the fleeting triumph of unfettered capitalism and greed.
Mouth breathing morons who reflexively worship the flag do not have the slightest inkling of what that flag means. Nazis worship flags. Americans stand, or kneel, for the freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest against injustice that the American flag symbolizes.
Where in the fuck is all this rioting and looting these racists keep seeing? Because I sure as hell haven’t seen anything. I mean, you’d think I'd know about it, with my being Black and erry’thang.
As Republicans and Democrats run to lionize and fellate John McCain, a man whose cowardice in selecting Sarah Palin as a running mate, and then not standing up to her racist fan base is the direct cause of the Events of 2016 and beyond... I hope that Jemele finds a place where she can speak truth. Because the…
These are the same chucklefucks wearing “I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat” tshirts. They don’t care about America, or the military, or freedom. They’re just authoritarian shitheads that want to watch their bloodsports without being challenged in any way at all, and they want to make sure that black people know…
There’s a certain subset of American shitbags who will only support a union cause if it involves killing black people.
fuck em 30 years ago and fuck em now.
I am a veteran of the US Armed forces (US Army). I swore an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I personally would never sit or kneel during the National Anthem but that is my choice based on my personal feelings. I do however, fully support the right of any American citizen…
Terrell Owens is a Hall of Famer but the voting process is by far the worst of all the major sports in North America. Sure, it is fucked up whenever some 60-something year old white man who hasn’t covered baseball in decades refuses to vote for Rickey Henderson because “Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio weren’t unanimous…
LeBron’s just like us, wearing the free shirt he got from a work trip.
Note: The video is cued up to the correct spot
Every *white* college football coach...