
Yup, we now know the consequences of protesting against the military...I mean police brutality or was it the flag?

You goddamn right there’s more to the story and we, the viewing public demand answers....for one I want to know how often he scored and at what quantity, then and only then will “we” decide if it was recreational. And don’t give me that it didn’t affect my work shit motherfucker we’ve all been on benders with

See....Anton Scalia.

See Covfefe’s Law

You want to compare their career stats?

You sir are an astute observer of mankind.

Sounds hypothetical.... Who gives a ish about a politician regardless of race....we are just lucky to have one of the worst that’s ever done it in office but let’s just wait until all the investigations are done and decide.

See....Colin Kaepernick vs the list of candy armed, ineffective, never been, supposed “best fit”, career clip board holding losers being paraded as “suitable” back ups. I think we all know how this story ends...

I mean where else can a guy be over compensated for being less than marginal w/minimal outrage by white people see....Trump.

Good take, I mentioned to a friend that that’s the same attitude you hear once Johnny flips his wig and carries out some of the hate that’s been instilled in him since birth. Of course she had no idea after all those years of passing the hate that in all likelihood was passed onto her.

“Slow down son you’re killing em”...... Notorious B.I.G.

Long live Bill!

Nobody remembers the Charles Stuart incident I guess.

My sighting of “the suit” came on the campus of Tennessee State U. in 86 the brother was from Chicago and had shorts on with it, you didn’t know how to react cause til Rondo I never saw it again.

The high profile athletes and entertainers that we so adore have full access too much that the average person could never fathom in their wildest imagination.

Not sure about that, there was a lot of different DNA in them there drawers.

I’m about fed up w/this “locker-room cancer” talk like it’s holy ground did anybody ever lose a f’in game because they caught feelings about some bull-ish that went down in the locker room? All of this talk is over hyped hyperbole used to justify an unjust decision.

I knew there would be trouble as soon as the unrhythmic clap started.

I love it when a guy has no fashion sense whatsoever but on a whim takes a “runway” chance w/his attire.

Well stated