Lol, really?
Lol, really?
No need to correct me, I said it right the first time.
Cupcake, lol. I was unaware I had to type-out my whole life story for some sad sap to comment and try to discard everything I say. I will have a marvelous fucking day, thank you. I always do. Hopefully you will to.
Says you, the ignorant idiot who knows nothing about me. Funny that you chose Japanese as the language that I wouldn't understand, since I speak it fluently. Also, there are lots of signs in Japan that are in English, and just to point it out again, He said his whole order in spanish, and the only word I remember was…
Moved to Texas, regret. You must be slow, and unable to read post before commenting. Good day.
"That said, I've never seen a person who is speaking a non-dominant language get angry when the dominant language speakers didn't understand them."
No, it's not. It's rude to curse me out in Spanish for not knowing that café means coffee, and calling me a puta because of it.
"I can't remember the last time I've heard "Speak English" being said by an American to someone who's initiated contact with them by speaking another language."
In my workplace, we get many foreigners who get angry because the don't know how to order a coffee and doughnut in English, because they never bothered to learn. So they begin yelling to me in Spanish as if that'd help the situation.
English is the de facto national language of the United States. English is the most common spoken language in the United States. So...?
I will never understand why it's rude to tell someone in america who isn't speaking English, to speak English. Don't walk up to me speaking Spanish, why in the world would I know spanish? I'm in America, not Mexico.
Hopefully it's long.
Now, there's nothing wrong with your 3DS XL getting a joystick. Heck, more portable consoles should have them.
8-10 hours.
Does anyone feel uncomfortable holding a 2DS for long periods of time? 2-3 hours?
"Go kill yourself." Really?
Newegg has some PC games on sale.
Well, you're missing out.