
Then there was the Tiger Mom lady who forbade sleepovers because she didn't want her daughters to be too tired to study and practice musical instruments the next day.

Don't rich white ladies put that SK-II shit on their face that is supposedly made from rice water?

I would love to be able to create my own edit of that movie without that shit. It doesn't seem to advance the plot in any way, the tone doesn't fit with the rest of the movie, it's like the movie is chugging along and suddenly RACIST SHIT BECAUSE IT'S THE SIXTIES AND WE ALL FIND THIS FUNNY, AMIRITE? PLUS WWII!

No. I had visions of shaking a bloody tampon in someone's face and yelling I AM VERY CROSS WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!

I think it's Landmark Forum speak.

So the media discovered that gray shows up earlier on brown hair. Shocking!

Also jello wrestling and Foxy Boxing.

She seems like such a kind-hearted person.

Also with the fashionable tidiness of the suit and bag and pearls she would be wearing at least foundation and some fuschia lipstick.

Too many nut allergies. She could always hand out bags of popcorn or something but that would require more effort than photocopying a stupid note.

I hate that they keep calling her a "blonde angel" as if to imply she had no business living amongst ugly brown demon children. WTF?

The President is designing Marine hats? I feel like he needs to delegate.

I don't feel like this is going to be serious coverage though.

I would have no problem with an across the board policy like that. But then the transaction wouldn't have gone through. I guess they want to get the money and then call the cops for a little extra kick.

Tory Island, in Ireland, has a King. He plays the accordion.

Because the clerk thinks they are some sort of deputy police inspector and wants the transaction to go through so they can be part of "catching the perp?" I don't understand how Barney's can claim no responsibility when it's their staff CALLING THE COPS ON PAYING CUSTOMERS.

It would be great if a bunch of people put that on a sign and picketed the store.

Beautiful Irish men are a natural resource that should be preserved and cherished.

Also Lisa Irwin! They're apparently EVERYWHERE and make convenient scapegoats!

I wish I had ever been to a Barney's so that I could declare that I would never shop there again.