
I know we are supposed to be looking to other countries because the US system is unnecessarily punitive, etc, but seriously, I can't get behind 20 years or less for a brutal and intentional murder. It's not like he killed someone in a bar fight.

That's so fetch.

I've seen this kind of thing happen to friends whose husbands have affairs/leave abruptly to go be with someone else or whatever. Maybe for 15 minutes after it all goes down they feel guilty or bad and then suddenly she's the she-bitch-ex-monster from HELL who has made his life miserable for YEARS and now she wants to

Why the hell does the governor and his family even WANT murderers living in their home and cooking for them?

Isn't Long Island also where they made that documentary Cropsey about the possible serial killers?

I'm wondering it it would have removed a lot of the creep factor if he had just given her *his* number after all the traffic business was concluded, suggested coffee, and just walked away and left it in her court?

If I were the principal, I would ban it just on the basis that everything about it makes me sad. This is a high school girl who thinks she can best "express her personality" though a picture that looks like an ad for a "gentleman's club."

No wonder they went bankrupt, I was told it would take them at least 6 months to get a dress in that I was looking at. (fifteen years ago.)

I chose to keep my name but for some reason my mother and MIL always address everything to Firstname Myname-Husband name.

Oh hey, you know if Cosmo typically focused on how women could enjoy sex more for themselves or make it more mutually satisfying, you might have a point. But since it's totally focused on "blowing MEN'S minds, so that he'll hang around/give you a ring/take you nice places," you don't.

WTF do I care about HIS best sex ever? Also I know I've seen that "mind blowing sex they can't stop thinking about" on another issue's cover.

And sometimes the structure of military life keeps them under control to a certain extent until they leave.

Well except that in some cases (see: Tim McVeigh) the person was violent and paranoid before they even joined the military and got lots of gun training. I don't know that you can look at every soldier that commmits a violent crime and assume that it's the PTSD talking.

When we went to see Public Enemies there was a girl of about six or seven who was constantly covering her eyes. She finally lost it after the cops tortured Billie and her caregivers were entirely pissed to be forced to leave.

You could throw a naked Ryan Gosling in bed with me and I would yawn. Colin on the other hand....

Sometimes I love her advice...but then there was the one where she advised a woman whose date freaked out and threatened her with a gun that he probably had PTSD from the Iraq war and she should give him another chance. Eh?

Great thing to tell them when you just cooked them a fucking pie!

I'm thinking lead in our water pipes. It's the only explanation.

It does feel very invalidating when people have to chime in about how you just have to do it the RIGHT way, blah blah. I'm sure that if I went slow and used lots of lubrication I could stick beans up my nose without too much pain, but that doesn't mean I have any intention of doing it.

And in another store, some college student is giving the boy's father the side eye for trying to buy the dying mother a fucking birthday cake with his EBT card.