
I would enjoy being a professional concern troll and getting paid to do what comes naturally to me!

That makes sense to me. First births take longer for one thing so there's more chance for the baby to go into distress.

I'm surprised how distressed people on this site become over any recommendations from the government whatsoever concerning health. Maybe we should just save money by defunding the CDC altogether so they don't upset people by recommending that they not drink too much?

I would rather have winter than summer, any day. Cold you can arm yourself against, heat not so much.

The Manson killings were ritualistic but not so much Satanic...

It almost seems like some sort of Freudian white swan/black swan dichotomy for them. They've turned it into a conflict between these two women and meanwhile the actual murderer waltzes out after 16 years.

The possum should talk to the Puck goat if he wants to know what hell is.

I really have to wonder how much of this animus toward Amanda is because she was a young woman of the same age and she's still alive, and their daughter is dead, through sheer chance. Their places could have been easily reversed.

You wouldn't BELIEVE how many comments I've seen where people have said in all seriousness that they look at her face and know she had something to do with it.

It's startling to me that the seem to direct so little of their animus toward Rudy Goede, at least publically.

And in addition, if you are going to insist that whatever verdict a jury issues is the "right" one and the jury must have all this significant information that the general public doesn't...then nobody should have ever questioned the West Memphis Three verdict or even the original Amanda Knox verdict.

They'll just dismiss it and refer to their fantasy portfolio of "real" evidence like supposedly she was humping herself on the table while talking to the cops.

It's possible they are deliberately trying to imitate the "old masters" type portraits of the annunciation, all of which had a Caucasian Mary.

hell with Google, check your state's case search for assault, fraud, and/or protective orders.

I would peg it as self-soothing rather than flirting, and on this date she probably needed to self-soothe.

I kept expecting him to say he was the deposed crown prince of Turkmenistan and can he please have her bank account number.

Well they started making things up as soon as they heard the police were questioning her, why stop now?

She just looks so darned HAPPY and not forced-sexy.

Was she ever really nice though, or had she just not grown into her nastiness?

Poor Norma Jean was a Marilyn Monroe imitator.