
I loved this. Thank you for sharing.

Milk is disgusting. Period. We are the only species who drinks another species' milk and that alone should sound some alarms. It's unnecessary! You can get calcium from non-dairy sources! Plus, with all the other MUCH MORE DELICIOUS OPTIONS on the market, why would you ever settle for moo milk? They make fucking

I'm actually starting to like Old Navy tons more these days than Gap. I used to love Gap and just tolerate Old Navy...and I do kinda regret taking out a Gap Visa card a few years back. It's been expired for over a year because what's the point? I go in and walk right out these days.

Yeeeeeeeah I mean I am 26 and I thought *I* looked a little rough...

I don't think I've ever successfully flirted, like ever. This is probably why nobody talks to me. I prefer it that way.

Yes! I have been bothered by this for years, but samesies—I couldn't exactly articulate what it was that bugged me.

Mine does this! He drags it all the way across the apartment with him, mewing the whole way, and then jumps up into bed with it and snuggles on top of it. This toy is totally on its last legs. I think he'll be heartbroken when it falls apart for good (there are several parts of the string that have nearly been gnawed

but WHY? I know that not all tofu-eaters are vegetarian/vegan, but aren't most? Why not grind the mealworms into a food product that would actually be consumed by someone who regularly eats animal protein? Mealsteak?

Mine is constantly hanging off of items of furniture with one or several paws. We call him "Drapes" now. :) I'm trying to upload a picture but I'm not sure if it's showing... ugh kinja.

The real question here is why does my cat have to reach his paw out and touch me when we snuggle. Apparently perching his paunchy little cat body on my chest is not complete without reaching a paw out to boop me...and then leaving it there.

Yeah I still don't know anything beyond the very common Bible stories, but like, only vaguely (as in, I've heard of them, but don't know the stories at all).

This nearly happened to me! My parents discussed pulling me from public schools to attend the only private school in the area, which happened to be Catholic. Luckily this did not happen, but there were serious talks about it. (And, I had been excited about this, because all my friends were Catholic and I just wanted

Similar upbringing, but my parents identify as "agnostic" and not atheist. I remember spending the night at friends' houses as a kid and my friends' parents asking me, "So what church does your family go to?" And then I'd be like, "We don't." And then awkward silence.

So I went through a legitimate phase of hating my parents for NOT taking me to church. I look back now (through blackened, atheist eyes) and scoff at that, but it's true! I grew up in a predominantly Catholic area, so all my friends went to church on Sunday mornings, and CCD class on Tuesday nights (or whatever night,

So, of topic but not really, my employer does a "wellness program" now. I had a work friend who decided not to participate last year because she was paranoid about what they were going to do with the data they gathered through the program. So, during an informational meeting this year to kick-off the program for 2015,

Compensation to pay for the medical expenses, I can understand. Compensation in the form of 10k sounds like a gag order. I feel like he's using his fame (and yes, I'll say it, the privilege that comes with being male) to try to co-erce her into silence. I mean I don't know. I'm not that invested in this at all, I'm

I'm as pro-choice as they come too, but I don't know. I feel like once impregnated, it's her choice—since it's her body—and having someone offer you money to abort a fetus that you co-created is kind of gross. It's like "Oh hey I'm this rich rapper dude, I really don't want that baby, I probably should have used a

Someone call Jackson Galaxy!

I mean I feel like he looks sick, like addict sick. My coworker pointed out these images this morning and the article wrote that he'd started changing his lifestyle, drinking less booze, etc. But like, he looked HEALTHIER when he had some weight to him!

I mean I don't like her but I also feel really bad for her for going through the whole death-of-her-boyfriend thing. I imagine that has to be hard as hell to go through.