
I hear you. I do think that there is certain poop etiquette to follow, though. I can't tell you the amount of times we have left the house to go shopping and immediately upon arriving at our destination, my man goes to drop a deuce in the public restroom. I'm like, weren't we JUST at home? Why didn't you just go at

"As [X] is wont to do" is something I say on the regular and I am teased mercilessly by my SO for it. Finally, another Weird like me!

And this is why I avoid certain grocery stores, gas stations, and bars. It's not so much the chance of running into my ex, because I think he's moved, but running into his family... I think seeing his mom would be way worse than seeing him, because I actually like her but I disappeared off the radar when we broke up

Ehhhhh I don't know about that. I have a former coworker who scouted out all the "poopers" in the bathroom and then talked massive shit about them. "How can they just DO THAT?" she'd say, "when the rest of us wait until we get home like civilized human beings?! I shouldn't have to smell Caryn's nasty shit." It was a

Ugh, a coworker just cracked a goth joke at me yesterday. Three of us work on a virtual project, and one of the team really likes blue—so the marketing person changed the primary color to blue for our upcoming event. The marketer turns to me and says, "Don't worry, next event I'll do black for you." I LIKE WEARING

I read this headline as "...Helped Rescue Columbine Child Sex Slaves," and had to wonder what version of the Columbine shootings I'd heard.


Ughhhhh. My female coworker complains about our female boss in a very non-specific "oh but I just prefer to work for a man" kind of way. But, she is also the same person who refuses to do any kind of weight lifting because she's afraid of "bulking up," so I generally don't give her opinions much credence.

Sigh. I'm so tired of this, you guys. I don't care if you disagree with Sarkeesian, I don't care if you believe gaming should be immune to feminist analysis, I don't care if you personally think Sarkeesian is a bitch, but for the love of baby jesus christ, can we stop threatening to kill her just because of a

I never noticed a correlation to meat-eating and UTIs... I've had two periods of my life where I had recurring infections (three or four within a year's time) and the only pattern I saw between those two periods were that they were both the beginnings of new relationships with lots of the sexytimes (and, both times,

But serious question: if they continue to export cacao that has come into contact with ebola, can that spread the disease? Or does the skin/bodily fluid contact have to occur between two HUMANS, not a human and a bean and then another human?

When I was 17, I was dating a guy three years my senior—he was a secret I kept from my family so we only met up on weekends. He lived about an hour from me so we took turns driving out to each other, but he lost his license from too many speeding tickets about two months into the relationship, so soon it was on me to

Nope, not at all. I was just weird about nudity as a kid and felt awkward that my parents had given me this book. I'm STILL awkward about nudity/sex around my parents. My mom called me once in college (when I was standing at a concert, waiting for it to begin) to inform me that the antibiotics I was taking for my

Maybe as a child I had a sense for what a creep Bill Cosby was/ended up being... not sure!

I was spooked by a lot of things at that young, impressionable age. Nuns and the Cosby Show both terrified me. I don't know what was wrong with me!

In The Night Kitchen spooked me because the little boy was naked and I felt like that was really inappropriate for a children's book.

Haha, anything is breakfast-y in my book. My pre-vegan days saw a lot of cold-pizza-from-the-fridge breakfasts, which is a surprisingly polarizing topic. I am still Team Cold Pizza to this day, which rouses a good debate every now and again. :)

I will let my favorite place in the whole wide world do the explaining. Seitan is a substitute for bacon/ham/sausage. Tofu scramble is a substitute for eggs. Pancakes, waffles, and other pastries can be easily made vegan by subbing in flax seed as the binder (in lieu of eggs). There are vegan cheeses on the market but

I mean can't I just love brunch because I love breakfast food and I love alcohol, and together they make for the perfect Sunday? I'm not even talking about going OUT for brunch, but brunching at home! And I must be extra-assholey because I'm under 30, childless, and VEGAN. Ooooh, come at me David Shaftel!

Okay, 1) watching this mental breakdown has been painful, at best, and 2) started recording him with her phone? I'm about her age and I didn't have a cell phone until I was 12 (I had one earlier than most friends because my dad worked in the cell phone biz) and phones did not capture image or video back then, so,