
This is sort of a general comment about Claire's brashness with the preface that I love Claire and think she's a phenomenal character though certain qualities telegraph differently on screen than from the page. So here goes: For a woman who time travelled back 200 years through some witchy Scottish rocks, she should

Maybe Jamie is the problem? Dude only lost his virginity a bit ago...


Saying that woman who likes to go out and have sex (which is what I assume she means when she says "be naughty") in any way deserve to be raped is as stupid as saying that anyone who likes to go shopping and spend a lot of money deserves to be robbed.

Not to be scary about it, but it may not go away on its own just because you find a new partner. It's really both psychological and physical. A psychological issue may have started the reflex, but the reflex may keep occurring now that it's started.

Like all physical problems that women experience, MDs like to frame it as a psychological disorder. I don't have any more psychological issues than any other women; my vagina is too tight.

It's more that a condition like this isn't going to make the drug company a ton of money, while male erectile dysfunction will make you truckloads of money.

Holy shit holy shit. I've never been able to use tampons and felt terrible about it, and all my attempts at actually having vaginal intercourse with people have been failures - it's difficult for the guy to 'get it in there' and I freak out and get uncomfortable or it hurts too much and I have to stop. Sorry for the

Yay, thank you for this article. Vaginismus-sufferer here! I also have generalized anxiety disorder/panic disorder, and I've always described it to people as "my vagina also suffering from anxiety". But I have found it is definitely treatable. Not curable, in my case at least, but treatable nonetheless.

I only heard of vaginasmus last year. I had no idea this was a thing. It's true, women's sexual issues, be it birth control, or sexual dysfunction are simply topics that are removed from mainstream media and discussion. I know about Viagra since I was a kid. Let's celebrate that Viagra exists!! Yay Viagra! Lol,

Thank you for writing this. A few years ago, I struggled with vaginismus for months, having no idea what was wrong with me until I saw, of all things, the comments on a PostSecret card. It took me another few months to get past it, cognitive behavioural therapy, and lots of patience with myself and from my partner.

YES YES YES AND MORE FUCKING YES. though i feel lucky to have known by 19 what was up, i spent so long thinking there was something wrong with me. sex hurt, tampons hurt (no longer, just initially), and the doctors i saw gave no fucks. i've always been a highly proactive person so i sought out a doctor by my home who

I have vaginismus and only got diagnosed about a year and a half ago. It was such a relief! I had always had problems with tampons (I remember once getting my period in school and a friend gave me a tampon, and just crying in the bathroom because I could not get it in and I was so embarrassed and didn't know what to

It is similar in many ways.

Before I read more I thought "vaginismus" was like a Krampus that attacks your vag.

I have a question as to whether or not I'm allowed an opinion and a voice! Submitted for Andrea Tantaros' approval (I'll be waiting quietly in the meantime):

This is how my dad broke up with my mom when they were still teenagers. It should be noted that they did get back together, get married, and eventually had a long overdue divorce for which everyone is better off.

Now playing

Mine was brutal. I spoke about it at London's version of The Moth. It was the only kind of catharsis I could afford ->

The pathological liar ex (I have posted about him before) and I had a relationship built entirely on dancing, fights and sex. It took me forever to understand that he was cheating on me, and I accepted his increasingly wild stories about his "friend" who was just "really emotionally fragile right now" and who I kept