Yep she still sounds like an asshole!
Yep she still sounds like an asshole!
It sounds just like something the fictional Martha would say, which doesn’t help me believe Gadd misrepresented her.
“The actor who played Martha “sort of looks like me after I put on four stone during lockdown but I’m not actually unattractive,” the woman added.”
The problem is that she’s the one to come forward to identify herself. She actually could have been left alone and enjoyed her privacy.
If she’s his stalker... SHE CAN FUCK OFF!!!!!!! Thank you’re higher power you’re not in prison you goddamn psycho.
She’s got “telling on herself” syndrome. In this case, she’s telling us that her threatened lawsuit is another attempt to harass this man. The actor portraying her doesn’t look like she did when she stalked him. The script portrays things that aren’t accurate to how she stalked him. People were able to find her online…
Donny is also genuinely concerned about Martha’s mental health. She doesn’t get a heartfelt episode dedicated to her psyche, but Gunning’s breathtaking performance fleshes it out anyway. Gunning leaves you gasping with fear yet invokes a disconcerting sensitivity to Martha’s plight.
Hell, it’s the hugely emotional final line of Goodbye Mr. Chips.
Are you a woman? I am and Courtney Love is a woman hating garbage person.
I’ve also heard some pretty unsavory rumors about Love. I wouldn’t want to repeat gossip without sources but let’s just say her statements about Jeffrey Epstein seemed a little “doth protest too much” if you catch my drift . . .
I would replace saying Courtney Love doesn’t give a fuck with saying, she very much gives a fuck about everyone thinking she is super edgy and real
They’re putting together a retrospective of his career I bet. But really what’s been said already is more than enough for this piece of shit.
Remember when OJ Simpson was acquitted even though everybody knew he killed his wife and Goldman in cold blood? Remember when Black people all over America celebrated because green is a more important color to our justice system than black or white?
Nah it’s a great point. The only way any of it serves the story (and then just barely) is to show what terrible, terrible people they are and how it’s the poor that suffer in these things. It’s so excessive it would be comical if it weren’t so horrible. I tried to read them all back-to-back and had to take a break…
I mean, there’s a LOT of rape in the books. Maybe that one scene isn’t rape in the books, but the ratio of rape is much, much higher in the books. Random, terrible characters just rape other characters and we get to read it about it in detail. A lot.
Narrators Note: He did not in fact F it up, dude.
That’s not considered watching something, that’s just PG-rated cliff’s notes.
I dunno, there’s that scene where Edith waterboards Mary in an attempt to get her to stop being such a bitch, but then Mary’s into it and Edith gives up after five minutes.
I watched on the mid-day syndication runs in the 1980s/90s as a child. It’s great, I wish it were on somewhere that I consume media. The 1980s is where everyone’s parents seem to get divorced, so mom could relate a lot to the women on that show. Jane Curtain is a comedy legend who doesn’t get enough recognition, IMHO. …