
The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point

First of all, Robinson didn’t bring Diana Ross to Motown, Florence Ballard and Mary Wilson founded the group and THEY asked Diana Ross to join the group and she did. And we all know what happened with her betrayal of them by sleeping with Berry Gordy. And if Smokey Robinson thinks this is a flex and makes him look

My ex husband was a recovering addict who held me in the highest esteem until I had a bad episode of depression and quit my job without telling him. I was pretty much dead to him after that. It was surreal how much he idealized me then threw me in the trash for that one (admittedly big) fuck up. He immediately

Forget the drugs, I will forever side-eye Mulaney for how horrible he was to his now ex-wife - the woman he spent a decade praising and worshiping so publicly and that he intentionally made a huge part of his act and his entire public persona. (I’ve seen all of his specials and stand-up and I loved them.)

Miranda is 100% the worst. 

Boo hoo.

I feel like Aiden would not wear that purple monstrosity of an outfit in those insta pics, but then again, I totally see him full mid-life crisis, dating some model who makes her daddy-issue of  a boyfriend wear clothes way below his age.

If guys like this had to pay fair market rates for not only housework and childcare but also to have someone sleep with them, they'd realize half their income was a bargain. 


but you’re good-looking—your best path to victory is simply to marry a man, leave him, and take half.”

If it wasn’t for the immense homophobia in these groups, I’d almost suggest a circle jerk to have them truly come together as humans.

Imagine how much happier they would be if the incels just got together and started blowing each other...

See also: the Matthew Perry update on Keanu Reeves that no one was asking for.

I truly do not understand Jez continuing to push her.

Holy Hell! If I were to see that w/o context, I would legit think that was an SNL or Daily Show style parody commercial, down to the faux-folksy narrator, and bald eagle screeches in the background.

Except she thinks she’ll get a pass, and she probably will.

If Sanders was that upset about being compared to a softball coach and Aunt Lydia at that White House Correspondent’s Association dinner, she in particular is really not going to like the world in which everyone has a legal obligation to police women for not appearing feminine enough...

This is breaking so I am guaranteeing we will get more. You just don’t kick this can down the road and say no more....and Fox leaks like a fucking sieve so we will get the real story soon.

“I’m really sorry for all the negative attention this has caused, so I’d like to go ahead and put it back in the news.”

I still don’t understand the Matthew Perry reference to Keanu Reeves, especially when the latter was and is so much more successful than the former? Even if Perry’s awareness permanently froze* in 1994 when he became a household name (like the average celebrity’s awareness does), Reeves was still very famous and had a