Birth control. Lesbians. Two sins enter. One sin leaves.
Birth control. Lesbians. Two sins enter. One sin leaves.
He is very popular with gamers, and the gaming set, which is probably a reason why he has influenced so many young men. A day before the Greta tweetback (bless her), a whole conversation blew up in twitch chat about this man with one half defending him and the other half calling him out on his misogyny, this on a…
“They are trying to break my Iron Mind with unjust imprisonment. My guards know I am innocent. They know it is unjust. They see I will never break and respect my resolve”
It’s pure FUD. Flood the zone with bullshit, some of it will stick. They’re trying to get people thinking “hey wait, the Pill is dangerous?” so they’ll be more receptive to efforts to restrict it.
Idk... I started birth control at 16 and started kissing ladies shortly thereafter... COINCIDENCE?!?
Wait. If the pill makes the girlies gay, wouldn’t the same people that want to reduce abortions to zero be wholeheartedly in favour of people taking it? Because if all the girls are gay, then they aren’t likely to suffer an unplanned pregnancy (unless raped) ... something about having zero exposure to sperm or…
He literally capitalize “Iron Mind” I almost expected a TM
I really fought hard with myself to not roll my eyes at her comment because she is a youngin’; hopefully in a few years after thinking about this statement, she’ll do the eye-rolling.🙄🙄🙄
Seriously...I had no clue about, or who this dude was prior to his attempt to clown Greta Thunberg, but noticed a lot of people kind of worshiping him in their defense for him and just had to shake my head, because it was easy to tell he was one of those fake masculine types.
LOL I listened to that too. I liked when he was bragging about being such a fierce newborn infant that he frightened the doctor. That’s one insecure douchebag right there.
Someone should contact the society for cruelty to cockroaches, lice and bedbugs.
I think it’s a still from his Big Brother appearance. I felt I should get the structure of his quote correct, and got both the image and the underlying homophonic subtext from that query.
Behind the Bastards has a multi-part podcast on Tate this week. They read a bit from his autobiography. It’s... something.
Agreed. $20 says the guards are just sitting around taking bets on how many years he’ll get.
The legal team for the cockroaches, lice and bedbugs is currently putting together a defamation suit.
Die motherfucker (no offense to fuckers of mothers.)
Cockroaches, lice, and bed bugs are my only friends at night
“Cockroaches, lice, and bed bugs are my only friends at night,” Tate wrote.
Cockroaches, lice, and bedbugs: We aren’t friends with this asshole.
Eeeeeewwwww. That made me cross my legs and tense it ALL up. Ew.