
Man this e3 was a let down. Barely any brand new ip’s announced that we disn’t already know about. Metro, anthem, dad of war, Spider-Man, monster hunter worlds, and Mario are the standouts for me, but all of the big three kind of disappointed.

Word. Everyone knows there’s only one Gundam Zaku:

487 million copies of horizon sold! Everyone and their dog had atleast 5!

There’s not going to be “grimoire” as we know it in this game. They’ve said ever since their reveal stream that they’re super focusing on putting actual story in the game and not any buried stuff like that. There will be no external lore stuff.

“Oh shit that’s a lot of zombies” game Days Gone caused a stir last year, but made like days and became gone shortly after.

I’m a fucking moron does that answer your question?! I got hyped for a trailer. Then preordered it. Then a couple weeks later I realized my grave error.

Everything I’ve seen looks more like an expansion than a new game; I am pretty sure the only reason it is a new game is because a) Bungie wants to retool balance and throw out all their mistakes, and b) they know we are sick of running the same missions, strikes, and raids so having them take up space makes no sense,

And clearly Microsoft doesn’t care if you buy it on PC or Xbox One X. It would be like saying Sly Cooper 4 wasn’t exclusive because it was on Vita and PS3 (I can’t remember if it was PS4 or PS3). 

another zombie game. looks fun though. probably get it at $30

I mean, you do you, but acting like console exclusives aren’t exclusives is a lame fanboy argument to me.

None of those people still work at Bungie, FYI. Not that that’s a good or bad thing. Just a thing.

Microsoft’s show was 90 minutes of games, mostly (somewhat) exclusive. It was a great showing. This, this was shit.

Yeah Ubisoft’s had the best so far. Never thought I’d say that.

Well that was a letdown overall. When it started by showing off three major IPs, Uncharted, Horizon, and Days Past (which looks like the zombie horde game we’ve always wanted) I thought “hmm they must have something really big to show us” but no, they had bugger all. While GoW looked really good still not much has

Detroit looks promising but damn if this isn’t the most boring E3 ever. Every last game Sony showed (minus Uncharted, VR and indie) were at E3 2016 and I don’t think a damn one of them will see the light of day B4 2018. Why waste the damn money to show up at E3 if you’re just going to show us the same games from 2016?

I hope we get to chose our clothes, a criminal biker thug isn’t that appealing to me as a good guy. The graphics looked okay though, having seen the Metro trailer yesterday I wonder how much they could have pushed this game on the XBOX.

Gee another zombie post apocalyptic game. Yippee . So Microsoft is bringing out a new racing game in an old franchise, a zombie game, and old games. Sony is...... doing basically the same thing sans the old games except yet another Shadow of Collosis remake. Here hoping Nintendo brings something original. never

With two DLCs no you are wrong this looks outdated and in fake 4k

I don’t care what this is I want it.