Holy shit, he could’ve at least used the tracks from the game as his music...or chosen similar to Lucio’s music style. Instead he chose music that’d do the opposite of calm people and heal them, he chose music that’d piss people off instead.
Holy shit, he could’ve at least used the tracks from the game as his music...or chosen similar to Lucio’s music style. Instead he chose music that’d do the opposite of calm people and heal them, he chose music that’d piss people off instead.
I don’t like hat music either. Trilby, Fedora, Bowler, Top.... don’t like any of ‘em.
He looks way too unhappy to be lucio.
I would love to see Trump and Macron on Celebrity Deathmatch.
Liquids are dangerous and could be explosive, you can’t bring them. However, if you can throw it in the tub full of other mystery liquids stored next to the hundreds of people crammed in like cattle. If they were concerned about safety, they wouldn’t do that.
Aw, c’mon. The third game wasn’t that bad. Sure it went the action route, but it still had some cool moments. How about exploring the abandoned space floatilla? Or being chased by 3 or 4 regenorators? The environments of Tau Volantis were beautiful and the final boss, while easy, was still pretty cool. And how about…
As the proud “owner” of my very own toddler, let me tell you; little man flirts with the best of them.
- Children should no longer receive inappropriate text messages from adults.
While I understand what they’re going for when Bungie says they’re trying to offer a matchmaking-style that’s consistent with how Bungie wants the game to be played, that’s exactly what bothers me about it. It’s entirely up to Bungie to make the game they want, but I’m not a fan of being told “this is how we think you…
This is where they botched their response and the problem I have with this type of shit- game publishers using youtube influencers to push their games. They’re all too happy to give youtubers free early access copies of their games, so long as the coverage is positive. The second they have criticisms and it’s not “on…
Halo 3 was Bungie. Reach was Bungie
It sounds like they’re trying to make PvE content more accessible while making PvP content more exclusive to the hardcore. I’m not sure why they think there needs to be a division. If openness and accessibility is your philosophy, why not embrace it across the game?
See, I always wanted Destiny’s PvP to be more like Halo (and UT2k4), because I was a big fan of big team battles in those games. I wanted more big maps with vehicles and support for bigger teams. This is a move in the opposite direction.
I hate this idea. Is this Bungie’s way of getting out of buying dedicated servers?
Also, inb4 the people complaining that matchmaking would somehow make raids impossible as if voice chat doesn’t exist. Also, if they could just not use matchmaking and just play with their friends anyway.
If I have to use a third-party app to play my game then the game fucked up.
They’ve changed Crucible to 4v4 for all modes.