
Things you should never do in a CVT vehicle:
1) Drive a CVT vehicle

Man. Girls aren’t real. They’re just something made up to get people to buy cars.

I’m pretty sure that the Zika virus is less hazardous to a child than having Hope Solo and Jerramy Stevens as your parents.

Me and my 5 friends trump the entire internet.

It isn’t obvious at all when they are hardly communicating anything.

With all the complaining, the complete mess that is distance tracking is getting massively overlooked. I have a walk I take every day for work that’s exactly .9 miles round trip and is essentially a straight line out and back; I’ve gotten credit for everything from 1k to nothing.

Aren’t you essentially arguing that your own perception bias is correct here? “My friends and I all agree on X” doesn’t necessarily make you or your friends right or even the majority voice.

I’m a level 16. I threw a Pokeball at a CP10 Pidgey. He got out. Threw 2 more. He got out and ran away.

Hey look, the fad is over a month later.

These crazy fucks on Reddit have proven how absolute insane they are. I posted about pokevision after a buddy showed me and I got doewnVoted over 260 times. People calling me a cheater and shit. The 3 bug glitch hits and my 260 downs go to 560 up votes. Make your fucking minds up you crazy fucks. Do u hate Pokemon go

Yesterday I got every dime my wife and I spent on this game refunded, and we have no plans to spend any money or time on this game in the future until Niantic starts acting like a modern game studio. Their silence and ignorance is unacceptable. You would think that tens of millions of users and millions of dollars a

I don’t think anyone buying these behemoths are all that concerned about fuel economy.

I live in a rural area. Finding any Pokémon to begin with is a chore.

So no in-game tracking OR tracking websites. What the flying fuck?

Wow, great sense of humor on ya.

Call a doctor, your sense of humor is broken.

The early birg gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.

Why call it “motorized doping” when you could use the much more accurate, much more straightforward, much less obfuscating “cheating?”