
Seriously. Can’t believe they didn’t have this feature this whole time.

I mean, being an introvert doesn’t just STOP when you play video games. Sometimes I want to play Destiny or Bloodborne without having my buddy ask me all the time if I want to play with him, only for me to say no. And yeah, I shouldn’t have to

Hell yes. Sometimes you just want to play some Destiny/FFXIV/whatever else without having to talk to anyone.

Big thank you to Sony for finally adding this and a big F-you to those who rationalized the decision to keep this feature absent for so long. My PS4 will be getting a lot more use now.

Corporate lawyers are often not dumb people. It would not surprise me if some strings were pulled to make this the first case deliberately.

I can’t remember the last time I used the controller to turn on my Xbox, I’m constantly shouting: “Xbox On” and “Xbox Turn Off... Yes.” I mostly use this while painting (I use the browser to watch wargaming battle reports) and it’s just so much easier when you have a brush in your hand to say: “Xbox Pause” and it’ll

Double Fine is remastering Full Throttle for PS4!

those large portion of people also don’t understand they were sold 1/4 of the games content on release, and then given minute pieces of said cut content locked behind paywalls and spread out over years. and you people are just lapping it up and setting a dangerous prescedent for future AAA games and how they can fuck

Destiny a game in which you...

Yeah, how DARE people make games available for a new generation! I too played Full Throttle 20 years ago, but a large percentage (the vast majority) of gamers missed it then or, simply, don’t have any chance to play it now (it’s not even for sale).

I’m not normally one to point this stuff out, but goddamn, some of those character designs look like complete knockoffs of Overwatch characters.

A game where players band together to fight the likes of the cabbal, fallen, and red bull.

Really? Outside of the Grim Fandango, this is the one I’m most excited about. Each to their own!

To listen and reply to the complaints from the player base, and eventually break down and start insulting people, resulting in the CM being fired/dismissed/quitting. World of Warcraft has a really long history of that.

Destiny is a game where you traverse the galaxy defending the last of humanity against Bungie’s servers.

A large portion of the community have been asking for this since day 1 and are super excited about this.


Objective view doesn't beat childhood memories. Full Throttle was one of the first point n click games I played and I probably spent more time with it than I should've had.

So it’s ok for some studios to remaster games but not for others? please stop.

Hey, it’s working for Nintendo so far...