
Nice giant leap of implied meaning there. I outright said what those people are doing is a serious problem, so I am not at all an "apologist", I'm just a damn realist. I didn't say the story was about her getting attention, I simply said the existence of it does. She isn't the only one getting these kinds of threats,

By nitpicking on stupid pointless stuff. Oh why is Princess Peach always the damsel in distress?! That's so sexist... Let's forget that she had her own game and that there is plenty of strong female lead characters in other games. If a company want to make a game with a female character it's up to them. If they want

Those "research" are flawed. They counted anyone who has answered yes to "have you ever played a video game" as a gamer. My mom who plays facebook games is a gamer based on those "research". My Grandma who has tried Mario Kart on snes over 20 yrs ago is a gamer if we take those "research" seriously. Woman are not the

No, i'm pretty sure when 14 separate websites all post "Gamers are Dead" within a 24 hour window, it's a lot more powerful, louder voices, over our small, ignored, and easily mitigated voices.

I have to correct some of this: Duncan was not turned away because he had no insurance. Copious stories have been done regarding this and how it is pretty unlikely, and I'm wholly getting tired of this false narrative. This hospital is a non-profit and treats the Vickery Park neighborhood it is adjacent to regardless

Please stop giving this person more attention... She's incredibly biased, loves to take things out of context and cherry picks while ignoring all examples that go against her personal agenda. She took a tonne of money from people and did barely anything with it, spent it on herself instead of doing the project

All these people? 2 bombs threats which you cant link to GamerGate. And considering that 1000s and 1000s of people identify under gategate. Thats a massive stretch.

Yeah, "filth", whether it's constructed from thin air by privileged white imaginations or not, is far from the only thing compromising the effectiveness of the aid.

We are going to be the first society to die of political correctness. We let ISIS members go fight in Syria and pretend it's racist to use common sense to battle a disease. It's simply gone too far.

What would we do without Stassa Edwards here to whitesplain how bad white people are?

Actually a lot of them are intentionally putting themselves in harms way. Many are ignoring all of the Dr's that have come in and told them explicitly how the disease is transmitted. Many completely refuse to believe the Dr's and conceal their illness infecting their families. Families have been bribing those

This is why the liberal obsession with race becomes insufferable

Nigeria has also avoided the pandemic-level spread that other African nations have seen, but I didn't realize until this article how few depictions of their dedicated health workers I have seen in the news. Yes, Nigeria is far away from me, but so is Spain. Why should I care more about a Spanish nurse than a Nigerian

you should read how many Gawker commentators are giving Fox News crap about fearmongering.

I know it's easy to say, "Oh, the West is the worst," but these kinds of "outsiders carry disease" attitudes aren't unusual to the big bad West. Japanese even today believe that HIV is a "foreigner disease" even though the HIV infection rate in Japan is on the uptick among Japanese themselves. These problems are

As a longtime bleeding heart liberal, this article is so unbelivably self-serving and disingenuous.

Who is accusing "an entire demographic" of anything? Reactionary indeed.

Cue the self-loathing brainwashed white hipsters that are all over this site like a virus in 3....2....

Cue the race-baiting, preemptive attacks on anybody who might critique the article's premise.

"The sanitary crusade of the nineteenth century is central to the violent project of empire."