Dude. Who TF said any of that shit?
Dude. Who TF said any of that shit?
Man... we need some answers. What the fuck is happening!?
I am a 90s girl and to this day still maintain that Mellon Collie is one of the best alternative albums ever released and that Tonight, Tonight is one of the best music videos ever created. The Pumpkins still have great replay value, though I will admit that “The Perfect Drug” and “Closer to God” are as far as I go for…
Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.
I know she opened them because for professional emails, I use a tracking service, which shows how often they were opened; the service showed that Duca viewed every email multiple times from her iPhone, her Gmail account, and another mail client.
Lauren Duca (maybe) got drunk at a work party and did some stupid shit in 2015. It (probably) led to her moving on from HuffPo. Since then, she’s gone viral and moved up in the world, but “everybody” (the media cliques running around on the east coast) still subtweets about her stupid shit. Jezebel’s tired of the…
I’m really not 100% sure what the back-and-forth tone is doing here. “Is publishing this a good idea or a bad idea, who knows; she has publicly demonstrated a desire to change but is change even possible; cancel culture is bad, she’s canceled; I don’t want to insult her, she’s a grifter.”
Did you just write a 4,500 word story about how a young woman who has become a figurehead for the resistance for other young women once wrote some bitchy anonymous emails when she was 23?
Then there’s Fake Woke White People aka Splinter’s entire staff and 99% of their approved commentors.
The three kinds of white Root commenters.
“Ripped them off”
And yeah, suck it up, gamers are mean, get over it.
Wait. Are you telling me the buggy as fuck NES and SNES games were finished? And you’re telling me because games cost $55 in the 1970s ($175 now) that they should stay the same price? How much were movie tickets when you were young?
You mean you want gamers who pay $60 of their hard-earned cash for a broken AAA title to be nice and friendly with the fucks who ripped them off?
Oh wow, you really converted me.
No fucking shit. Gamers can be some of the most entitled assholes ever. Why the hell would someone want to engage with spoiled shits who armchair game develop, as if content and features are as easy to make as a meme template.
Guillotines in Central Park.
As a Black man who was raised by a single mother, I understand where he’s coming from. My mom did the best she could with what she had, but she couldn’t be a father to me too.
You know, there is only so many intersections a person can navigate at once.