What if a doctor refuses to perform a blood transfusion based on religious grounds?
What if a doctor refuses to perform a blood transfusion based on religious grounds?
I’m still of the opinion that Stephen “Megamind” Miller is pushing this agenda. Sure, Trump is an unabashed racist, but the targeted attacks and specific language is probably coming from the pulsating lobes of Stevie. Until Kelly finds a way to kick his cranium out the door, we’ll see more of this fuckery. On the…
Small point but Jeremy Christian stabbed those guys down in Portland. It’s the cops up in Seattle you have to worry about.
It’s cool. It can be difficult to hear someone’s tone but I didn’t take offense. We’re cool.
I know. My whole spiel was in agreement that she probably has some Norwegian blood. Any other day she, as someone of obvious Scandinavian heritage, would probably be able to tell you down to the percentage, where she comes from and the people there but all of a sudden she has no clue.
Oh she’s lying for sure. You could hear her verbally tip-toeing around each question.
The pedants on twitter were kick to point out that her name is Danish, which just so happens to be a ferry ride away from Norway. Any other day of the week you know this woman would happily break down how she’s 50% Danish, 20% Swedish, 18% Norweigan...etcetera, etcetera like you asked her to recite the white Book of…
I didn’t think of it either. I’m amazed.
Ramen, hands down. It’s cheap as all get out and you can customize it with so many different ingredients that it’s like eating something new every day of the week. Sure it’s still noodles every time but did I mention how cheap it is?
I’m supposed to believe that some random black woman spent the time and energy acquiring sulfuric acid, putting it into some sort of spray can and carried it around with her in the event that someone didn’t give her what she wanted AND when the time came to use it, she didn’t threaten to use it AND when she did, she…
His talk is as cheap as his suits.
Ok, crazy plan here: We buy one of those industrial floor scales, the kind they use in warehouses, and install it flush with the floor of an entryway that Frump will visit. We just have to make sure we can isolate him on the scale. We could also hide it under the carpet they roll out when Air Force One lands. Who’s…
I guess we shouldn’t have expected the truth. There’s no way they are going to broadcast that Frump is an overweight mess that has enough cholesterol in his blood to clog a residential sewer pipe and his heart could explode like he was touched by Kenshiro at any moment. Our enemies and our allies would have a field…
I’m pretty sure they’re not the only company that pulled this nonsense either. I can’t find the list right now the Tax Bill gave all these companies the perfect PR moment: Claim to raise wages or give bonuses while quietly shedding hundreds to thousands of jobs. They’re saving your right hand, but cutting off your…
If that’s shameless grandstanding, I want to see more. He shouldn’t feel shame for calling out such blatant hatred and willful ignorance. If it’s grandstanding to do so with passion, then we should all aspire to grandstand more often.
This is the Clapback Mailbag farm and I am here for it.
Oh it’s definitely a pillow.
For the life of me, I can’t not understand why GOP members think that they can act like “Holiday Christians” and offer a hand of fellowship for one day and use that same hand to hold us down for the other 364 days.
My money is on Miller. He’s been voted “Most likely to sleep with a love pillow” by the White House staff. He’d spot that in an instant.
It takes a masters level of cognitive dissonance to try and condemn a man with some bullshit claims of moral failings on one hand and demand we support another man (or hair-topped garbage bag filled with chicken skin & diet soda) with some proven moral and ethical failings on the other.