If that granny was legit, it’d all be in brownies and cookies. That’s right, I’M CALLING SHENANIGANS!
If that granny was legit, it’d all be in brownies and cookies. That’s right, I’M CALLING SHENANIGANS!
She also had a small role in Future Man. Not bad.
This movie is a pleasure I never feel guilty about.
Brothers, communication is key. Your partner is the broadcast booth and if you’re doing it right, the color commentary will be wild & you’ll want to hit that instant replay from all angles. Just fucking listen to her ‘cause if her moans start to sound like the she’s at a Cleveland Browns game in the 4th, just head to…
The owner of my company lives high on the hog, with a second home in Cali, weekly golf trips and travel around the world. Every holiday, we get a turkey for Thanksgiving, a ham for Christmas & a raffle ticket at the Christmas party that could win me a TV but more than likely will net me a pair of ugly ass socks. The…
If I had a production company, I’d want a script on my desk yesterday.
Ok, I’m from Washington, not far from the accident site. When protesters talk about disrupting trains, they set their protests at the ports (usually Olympia or Tacoma) before the trains can really get moving. Pouring concrete on the tracks would be, for them, the next step up from chaining themselves to the gates or…
“You got that report?”
I predict there will be a deluge of Black Jesus gifs in our future.
The official story is that Uncle Charles had a heart attack after trying to analyze the grease. That much pure cholesterol is not meant for mortal tongues.
Remember when the right jumped all over Janet Napolitano in ‘09 for the report citing that soldiers and veterans are easy targets for extremist groups? Well, I can tell you that the military, especially the National Guard and Reserves have been monitoring that shit for YEARS AND YEARS and it’s always been a part of…
Let Katrina Pierson and Stacey Dash be forewarned though: You may think you’ll earn some points and a scoop of grandma’s potato salad by jumping on the Omaroasta bandwagon but you’ll be sadly mistaken. Just keep those heads down and out of sight for the duration.
Unless he IS an alien who infiltrated the Government and somewhere on a ship, the real Trump is in a stasis pod.
If we’re being honest, I’d rather see them lose their service pistols than take their batons because it’s easier to sue them if you’re still alive.
No one who was “scared for their life” or traumatized by the event would turn around and flaunt the fact that they had to take a life with such cavalier disregard. No one who had a near death experience would turn self-defense into celebrity. So to each and every one of you who continues to talk about Georgie as if he…
Y’all thought Norman was playing with you? Did you see even a bead of sweat on his brow? NOPE. He meant what he said. Merry Motown Christmas to Norman.
I mean, c’mon, the first indication of fraud is that the supposed Green Beret in that picture is, in fact, wearing a black beret.
The CPS always seems to be at the bottom of all this fuckery. It doesn’t matter what state or city, there’s always someone at the CPS who turns a blind eye to a child’s plight. I don’t know if it’s because they’re understaffed, underfunded or full of people who don’t give a shit, but something needs to change. The CPS…