Where the old woman is black people, everywhere. (I know a black guy walks through right after but it’s a metaphor)
Where the old woman is black people, everywhere. (I know a black guy walks through right after but it’s a metaphor)
My Grandma used to work there as a girl! I’m going to have to ask her about it when she visits.
Yup, you gotta buy, “vote with your wallet”. If you don’t buy, then comic shops won’t want to order it. You get enough dealers opting out of orders and there’s no reason to keep a title running. Get a pull list so there’s a guaranteed buy. Start buying Black Panther and Luke Cage and Sam Wilson (Misty Knight kicks ass…
That poster needs to be on my wall.
No way that guy has someone at home. He probably sits his sorry ass on 4chan or Reddit all night trying out all his best epithets or concluding that every woman who rejects him is a stuck up bitch.
I was listening to my fave rock station on the way home and they were having a discussion about Maher. One of the DJs, a black dude (one of the reasons I love this station) made a good point: Out of all of the hundreds of words white folks have to call us out of our name, why do they want that one so badly? We haven’t…
It’s stupid to think that it’s clothing that is causing a distraction to a teen. At that age, seeing a knee in the right light is enough to cause hormones to race out of control; it doesn’t matter if the rest of the body is covered in a potato sack.
We should be thankful for any RiRi we get.
“Guys, I said I STILL wanted to do her in her suffragette clothes, especially because I have a thing for Israeli broads. How is that sexist?”
Some poor bastard got caught up in all of this and got their safety scissors taken away. The Portland Police saved a LOT of posterboard and construction paper that day.
Smart money is that somebody on the board, maybe even the president himself, has a kid on a rival team that Milli’s team threatened to steamroll. Ain’t no way daddy’s little Madysun is losing to some Mexican.
I grew up in AZ and I only knew about one minor Civil War battle (there were two) but I had no idea there were monuments. That’s like reliving your glory days on the Junior High Football team.
FALSE. Dwight Schrute has some likeable qualities.
I think the kid is a priveliged moron but if you squint, he did at least put the blue eyebrows and heart on his chin. Still, he shouldn’t even wander to “blackface adjacent” and his follow up statements show his ass.
No one is raising them. That’s the problem.
Was talking about “the child” saying those things, not the teacher.
Maybe Buchal’s security could all wear a uniform so they are easily identifiable. Perhaps a custom brown t-shirt.
I gotta wonder if anyone’s asked someone who was named in such a way why they didn’t pass it on. It can’t all be because of job prospects that made Chenaylia or Jemarquest give their children similar names.
I am surprised he didn’t say “Do you know who my FATHER is, nigga? He’s PRESIDENT of the HOA, nigga? You don’t fuck with that!”
She is super intelligent and I kinda wish she were our President. Her policies on pizza have me hooked.